WW monk 1h or 2h?

I noticed I can use 2h weapons as WW now, which is better? And what is the difference?

2 weapons = 2 enchants.


Bigger hits with 2 hander.

That’s what you think. But they modified damage with 2 hander so that a 2hander with 1 enchant is as strong as 2 weapons with 2 enchants.

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Is this accurate or a assumption? We all know how well blizzard “balances” things. Look at 2h frost dks as a example.

This is the most accurate statement on the comparisons as of yesterday.

Dual Wielding vs 2 Handed Weapons

In general, at equal item levels, dual wielding outperforms a 2 handed weapon by 2-4% when fully enchanted and using all consumables. If you have have a 2 handed weapon of higher item level, or don’t want to enchant your weapons, or have any other scenario, use Raidbot’s Top Gear Tool for the most specific and accurate results. As a rule of thumb, testing very roughly showed somewhere around a 10-20 item level increase before 2 handed weapons started to match the damage of dual wielding, with a larger gap needed at lower item levels and in single target.


So does this mean we now can DW as brewmasters??

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Yeah, BrM can duel wield again.

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So DW is better than 2h by about 10 item level roughly? That’s how I’m reading it

That’s what I’m getting out of it too

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2h is better for PVP more bursty.

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I’ve been using whatever drops and isn’t worse than what I currently have which is at this point a two hander

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Would this just be the auto attacks?

It was the way abilities scaled with 2h and 1h formula. I’m pretty sure its irrelevant as of last build with the dual wield global damage bonus.

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