WW hotfix feedback - Revert Darting Hurricane nerf and give us an aura nerf

To preface, wind walker since the rework has been arbitrarily plagued with a problem of having too many resources when they don’t need it, and alternatively for conduit builds sometimes they have both that problem and an issue of not having enough resources when they do need it.

This has been arbitrarily baked into the spec with the haste stacking and chi cheating in the burst window via Ordered Elements

A solution to help alleviate this problem for both Shado Pan and Conduit was darting hurricane helping you cheat GCDS in those situations of over-abundance resources, it felt super good and super fun to min-max.

A recent hotfix set on Sept. 17th will nerf this talent, and force us to not play with it anymore.

I am greatly confused about this change because if the purpose was to nerf monk damage, it is a failure because in some scenarios the talent is just as strong as another talent, and even in pure single target its about a 1.5% loss in damage, so not much of a nerf.

If the purpose of the change was to help people who struggled with playing the talent, it is also a failure since those people could just play with a different talent for almost equal damage? I would rather you just nerf our damage abilities rather than changing the only talent that allows us to help alleviate the problems you guys created for the spec.

The hotfix just reduces the fun of the spec since now you will be wasting even more resources without it, and also the talent just played into a core fantasy of monk of swiftly comboing enemies. It was super fun to both playstyles and fit right in so all I want is a clarification on why it was changed?

Was it changed because people struggled with it or was it changed to nerf the spec? We want to know.

Either way, both reasons to change it are bad reasons. Just nerf damage abilities don’t change functionalities unless they are obscenely broken which Darting Hurricane was not as changing the talent changes the way monk plays forever because you guys will never change it back after it is changed while nerfing our aura by 2% is just a temporary change while keeping the identity of the spec which is what is important.