WW Double 2 piece

How much does this crank? Asking because we’re all gonna get the opportunity to try it out as we gear. And will we actually kneecap ourselves trying to use it when we’re fully geared?

Also as a side note, are we gonna have to farm hard mode DotI for a hero track time stick?

Regarding wep, I think you just want to use your Buollions (spelling) and buy a djaruun,pillar of flame polearm from aberrus.

u think this is going to be a thing in pvp?

Was it before? I kinda skipped s2. I assumed it would be nerfed in pvp but seeing how there’s a lot stuff half done by blizz this patch, nothing would surprise me lol.

I’ll be buying one next week tho. I can test it in pvp and let you know.

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Just tested this wep on the pvp target dummy and it’s nerfed 50%. At 515, it hits for 7k on activation and 22k normal hits with 33k crits.