WW dmg after reset

Ive played both boomy and feral around 190 ilvl and convoke is very hit or miss and yes if you dont kick it theres a good like 70% chance someone is dying or needing to use major cds to survive. for feral half the time if i dont get 2 fast crit fb’s the target basically lives every time.

Tons man. They’re all over the place. .5s of the channel and insta killed :roll_eyes:. That’s never happened to me, as a convoke user. Not even close. Don’t spread hyperbole.

Nice man well I hope to see ya :stuck_out_tongue:

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All these people complaining about Convoke when Kyrian is better anyway.



wwarms is at the top of the ladder

wwdk is as always insane

wwenhance is bouncing around doing unhealable dam and being super slippery

wwmage is good

wwspriest is an offensively better version of wps with worse defensive utility (top tier)

wwmoonkin is underrepresented but is free points

wwlock wwferal wwhunter wwdh are all glad + viable at the current moment also just a little more troll

what are u talking about?


Queued into mostly WW in 2s tonight playing rdruid/warr. WW were already nuts last week, but after reset they feel completely out of control.

lol. It’s instantly killing people. ‘better’

“Tons of videos” doesn’t equate to a thread in general discussion of all places. I’m all set.

Lol pretty sure warrior is the most played class in general…

Kyrian Boomkins likewise instantly kill you, only their damage isn’t dependant on good RNG or you not having an available interrupt.

Have done a lot games and have yet to see one. Not saying they don’t exist, but every single boomi we have played against so far has been convoke. Maybe that starts to shift once we push past 2-2.2k range.


Here’s my 3s partners in 2v2 owning Mes/Cdew in a few seconds (same timeframe as a stun btw). Would be even stronger if he ran this legendary and Kyrian for Spear lockdown

Condemn is so stupid. I don’t understand why every warrior hasn’t gone Venthyr already. Spear is cool, but is it better than the insane damage Condemn does right now? I have a hard time understanding how. More control, sure, but who needs control when you can nearly global someone? I do expect Condemn to get nerfed, though.

There’s a few builds that are strong. I think overall Kyrian is good because it gives options to lock in healers, double melee, mages/Ww’s, and you can punish bad positioning. It really depends on what comp the war is running though

Yea monk you can’t kite out CDs it just doesn’t work. Honestly just spam CCing them is about the best fix currently.

As a former Venthyr, Condemn does less damage than baseline Execute. Except for versus plate as the above video demonstrated. But that’s more the result of allowing the enemy warrior to colossus smash, avatar, blow load with zero response rather than a slightly better execute.

103.5% AP on Condemn, unmitigated vs 134.4% AP on Execute, mitigated (each double with 40 rage) means there is a break-even point just shy of 23% DR from armor. I don’t know your perspective, but you should be thankful to face a Condemn warrior if you’re in cloth, leather or mail.

Maybe in a patch or two, when general armor values are higher, we’ll see a shift to Venthyr. Probably only some in 2s even then. It’s hard to give up the utility of Kyrian, especially when you consider the benefit to your team.

Anyway, goes to show the misconceptions between classes.

This is interesting. I play with plate DPS partners, so this would be consistent with that.