WW cooldown usage

Hi team,

Can someone explain to me the cool-down use age and theory behind it briefly?

Specifically with stacking CDs in a M+ scenarios

For example storm, earth and fire and bone dust brew - I can see this one of 2 ways

Either the each of the spirit has a chance to proc the extra damage which would be good with bone dust brew, or they don’t and only mine proc and therefore I’m only proc on 30% of my damage?

Also just regular rotation with bone dust up or?

Thanks in advance!

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I won’t speak for WW PVE since I try to avoid it, but it’s generally the same concept as PVP.

You want to match your CDs together to combo for higher burst. In PVE, especially on big pulls, you want to combo your highest bursting abilities together (Brew, Xuen, Images) to get the most value and most damage in.

The idea is to make it so you maximize the output of each CD, but also to clear through whatever you’re doing fast enough to setup for another time.

It’s easier to ask a top M+ player why, because they’ll say “We’ve routed this path so many times that we want CDs for these packs so we can have CDs at these times.”

When I do Bonedust Brew, I make sure get in 2 RSK’s and 1 FoF.

Your cloned damage will proc bdb, as does xuen I believe. Line them up every time. You’ll want to get RSK, FoF, and WDP in with clones for every bdb in single target. Dance procs are even better. Additionally, if you have 5 stacks of chiji SCK is better than RSK / FoF (during bdb).

For aoe, you’ll use bdb while FoF and RSK is already on cd, spam SCK (ignore mastery) and use WDP.

This generally looks something like this:

Max chi > xuen + pot + Iqd > full channel FoF (only if the pack will live for around 25+ seconds, otherwise clip FoF) > max chi > clones + RSK > tiger palm > focus clones + bdb > SCK > WDP > spam SCK until bdb ends