WW BiS PvP Covenant?

I’ll double check once the beta servers are up again. I tested Kyrian two weeks ago but in beta terms that is a long time. They could have reverted to the old version that did reset the RSK cooldown.

** Reading the wowhead post it seems really old. Nightfae no longer rips chi or energy from the ground (I was pvp testing it all weekend). But that post says it still does. My guess is that post is a month old even though it shows it was updated on the 23rd. I’m calling shinaigains.

Again though once beta servers are up I will jump in to retest on a premade.

*confirmed on this weeks beta and that wowhead article is old. Kyrian does NOT reset RSK and only provides a minor buff to mastery.

yes please thanks Slade. That will make a difference on what WW monks will choose on launch. Personally I feel as you describe Night fae will be good aoe damage in mythic + dungeons for packs of groups and then venthyr might be good upfront burst for single target damage.

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Just a heads up servers for beta are still down 8pm EST so this test will have to wait till the morning for me.

**Update at 9pm EST Beta servers are up and yes Kyrian still sucks.
It does not reset RSK but kegsmash is reset. So for WW it is not worth. Blackout kick will reduce the cooldown of RSK when under the effect. And its only a 13% mastery bonus but that does not apply to SEF, Xeun, Tod, or Karma.

My overall verdict is Kyrian is going to be for lore only and maybe as a brewmaster to combine with the leggo that also resets keg smash… thats a lot of kegs. But it is a no go from me as a dps coven. The buff is not a complete buff and doesn’t apply to our big dps cooldowns.

So it is a buff only in name not in practice. The reduced cooldown on RSK generates at most 3 extra RSK before the buff wears off (extra being the key I am not counting the normal rsk you would get in a 30 second burst window) and that only works if you stop using FoF which is still our highest dps ability. So you can crank extra RSK’s but it ended up a dps loss vs just using FoF on cooldown.

This leads me to believe the best use of the cooldown is just do your normal rotation with FoF, RSK, and BK as spenders… you’ll gain 1 to 2 extra rsk’s and be buffed by a 13% mastery increase that won’t apply to your clones or tony the tiger but hey your autos attacks, rsk, bk, and fof do hit a little harder during it.

I’ll let the math people do their math thing. I am still old school and run a timer on recount while beating a target dummy for 5mins at a time to compare. For anyone wondering about how I do dps testing.

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I’m hoping Night Fae us BiS for brewmaster m+ and really good for WW PvP.

Even though I’m undead being a necrolord monk is too much lore/fantasy butchering.

Night has trippy ground sparkle trees for the win.

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Cool thanks. I wonder if they’ll buff the mastery effect and apply to other skills. A simple add would also to make RSK a 2x RSK like they did with legion leggo and traits. I personally love that one the most.

I’m going to maining BRM, so it would be great if they can improve this since I’ll be off dps as WW. I might try healing too.