WW Beta testers

Question for the beta enjoyers out there, how is WW feeling so far?

Been enjoying my Monk this expansion and am tempted to main it going into TWW as long as it doesn’t feel too different compared to DF.

Any pros and cons you can discuss?

I like ur troll mog and look, kinda only commented to tell you that.

But from what ive seen monk is looking great a ton of changed and a positive rework. Got rid of some annoying abilities to be made passive like chi wave.

Took care of some of the bloat for brew.

Hero talents are solid all around.

Tbh monk is a great choice for next expac plus we are getting glyph of jab back so our weapons wont just be for decor!


The spec feels close enough to DF that it won’t feel like you’re learning a new spec, but different enough that you’ll notice. The biggest thing is the under the hood changes to increase stat scaling. For example, there’s a strong chance that Windwalker is one of the best specs for Power Infusion due to good haste scaling and burst windows.

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lol thanks :smile:

Aw. I was really hoping to avoid the PI rat race competition. One of the upsides to WW in DF was never having to fight over PI.


Has anyone been able to find glyph of jab yet? Excited to try it but it doesnt seem to exist.


These comments are not discussing the main changes

Gameplay wise it is drastically slower. Energy cost of tiger palm was increased, other chi generation was significantly nerfed, serenity was removed.

As a result the spec is very resource starved and you press filler globals like BoK and SCK very little. This makes the AoE damage profile pretty bad as much of your damage is coming from either hard capped BoK or WDP/FoF and forced DoCJ procs. It is non competitive in AoE as a result.

The core rotation is so slow that if you run hit combo its very likely you break it intentionally outside of CD’s as FoF costs 3 chi and Tiger Palm only ever generates 2, with no resource free fillers outside of procs (FSK and CB removed from mastery, eh removed)

The tier set is basically irrelevant and centered around tiger palm for whatever reason.

Numerous dead talents are being added and you will likely be relatively talent locked in ST once again with maybe 1-2 flex points at the bottom of the tree.

Overall its mixed. The spec is far slower than any iteration in recent memory outside of CDs, and then still global locked and probably more complicated inside of CD’s. We no longer have to deal with skytouch and stomp resets, but lose some defensive value and group utility to pay for it, which we were already lacking.

Spec likely ends up mediocre at best and will be brought to groups only if brewmaster/mistweaver are bad or the damage is overtuned


Breaking news, specs are slower at the start of new expansions. Grab your pitchforks and let’s start a march!

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This isn’t the case for all specs.

Any chance Blizz rolls back the TP change if enough beta testers tell them it’s bad? Considering it’s the third time they’re doing this to address the same “problem,” you’d think they’d have realized by now that it’s not a great solution.

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Windwalker is not a hasted GCD spec that gets faster with haste. Math maybe changed but typically it actually gets slower/stays neutral with haste as ability cooldowns require more chi than you gain from energy regeneration.

I guarantee I know more about gameplay than you do but thanks :slight_smile:

Potentially. It wouldnt break anything if they allowed the expel harm cast to generate 1 chi or reduced the energy cost of tiger palm. If anything itd make the spec easier to play which is generally a plus as they typically arent a fan of unintuitive gameplay like intentional hit combo breaking

Not really. You’re the self-proclaimed best ww on the forums who doesn’t actually parse above blue until content is on farm.

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Some of my logs are public and the ones that are include rank 1 prog kills :slight_smile:

hope that helps!

Biggest issues I have noticed while testing (and I say issue because it feels bad) is that rather than having skills on cooldown that you are preparing resources to use on when ready, you have almost all abilities off cooldown and you are struggling to build resources to make it happen.

It is much slower, which if this is an across the board change to all classes then I guess that’s that, however I believe this is mostly due to three things that I think if fixed, would resolve the issue:

  1. Increase in TP cost - revert this or build in talents to reduce it
  2. Removal of expel harm - even though it’s baked in, it no longer is an alternate chi generator. It was a powerful tool that allowed us to build chi without a target or out of combat, at a lower cost and on a half global. This being gone is hugely disappointing for me and removes a lot of situational choices that were rewarding, additionally it makes the expel harm focused class talents borderline useless, especially “Strength of Spirit”. It also assisted heavily with maintaining mastery. Bring this back please.
  3. Removal of power strikes - they have baked some of this effect into combat wisdom but as of right now the chi building aspect of it is missing. This wont effect us too much for the first 15 seconds of a fight because of the chi being fixed out of combat at 2, but after that it will reduce our chi generated per minute by 4. Simple fix is to make sure that when combat wisdom procs it generates the additional chi.
  4. I almost forgot to mention Chi burst no longer generates chi.

Furthermore, this is exaggerated by some of the new hero talents, specifically in the CotC tree with the “Heart of the Jade Serpent” talent reducing cooldowns on RSK, FoF, SotWL and WDP by 75% and 150% when using Celestial Conduit, ultimately increasing the amount of chi we want to consume per minute.

I think the only thing here that remains hopeful is that now that haste is a stat we can use we might see that push our energy regen up a bit more, although I doubt it will be enough to deal with all the above. Please bring expel harm back…


I am skeptical about haste being being superior to any other secondary for WW. As far as I understood, there are only 2 abilites that actually scales with haste:

• Fists of Fury: haste grants extra damage equals to your haste, lowers the channel time and cooldown
• Rising Sun Kick: haste grants a chance of casting and extra Rising Sun Kick that deals 25% damage and generates 1 chi

WW’s other 2 damaging abilities do not benefit from haste at all, which is a major implication for AoE damage. Blackout Kick and Spining Crane Kick has no haste scaling whatsoever.

That said, haste was bumped from a totally useless stat, to a marginally OK stat to have that seems to be bad in multi target scenarios.

Regarding haste and energy regeneration: from what I recall, 10% haste equals to 1.1 (with talents) extra regen per second. This averages at 1 (one) extra tiger palm per minute. I personally do not see any benefit from going over 10% haste for AoE scenarios at all.

I think the changes are good, and the fact that they made WDP an appealing skill is nice, but there are some things that could be improved. For instance, the expel harm autocast could generate 1 chi, this alone would aleviate lots of issues.

All in all, I think we’ll only figure out if the changes are generally good or not only when the expansion is actually released. Personally, I am optmistic about WW damage profile, even moreso that our AoE damage is not tied to Touch of Death anymore, which was something that I personally disliked a lot.

Haste is a very complicated stat to value without extensive testing and math.

You can also add Whirling Dragon Punch to the list of abilities that scale with haste since it has its CD reduced by haste. BoK and SCK have “indirect” Haste scaling in that more haste means more energy which generally means more BoK/SCK. It hasn’t always worked smoothly like that due to BoK’s cooldown reduction on FoF/RSK, but it should be a little better this time around. Similarly, because Glory of the Dawn is based on Haste %, the chance to get an extra Chi is based on Haste %, and extra Chi generally goes to BoK/SCK.

AOE situations are typically where we have more energy needs since SCK costs 2 chi and BoK only costs 1 chi. That will ultimately depend on tuning, since if BoK is strong with Shadowboxing Treads then we’ll use SCK less, and visa versa. Because an “AOE scenario” may mean a pack of trash in a dungeon, which may only last a short bit and you may start every pack with full energy, which devalues haste, but more haste means more things in that small damage time frame.

Haste hasn’t been a “totally useless stat” since probably the end of Legion, just the least useful of the 4 secondaries. For example, the past few years have seen Windwalker do very well with big haste buffs like Power Infusion, Bloodlust, and Invoker’s Delight, because it lets us squeeze more things into our damage windows. This will only get “better” with the increase to haste scaling. Historically the problem isn’t that Haste is bad, its that 1% more Haste doesn’t equate to 1% more things or 1% more damage, because its very complicated.

Another beta patch, Glyph of Jab still missing. Feelsbad

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“I guarantee I know more about gameplay than you do but thanks :slight_smile:

There’s never a universe, in any scenario, video game related or otherwise, where statements like this aren’t the most cringe thing in existence.


Because competence is scary, especially to people who don’t perform.

Let, if only for a moment, the notion of how not-so-humble bragging on a world of Warcraft forum comes across to anyone who reads it.

I’ll just throw out a little pro tip. If you ever want anyone to heed anything you’re saying, don’t toss out reckless claims of superiority in a space where they cannot be validated.

Actually, even if they can be validated. Your stock instantly plummets and you (people who do this) come across as nothing more than an elitist who’s likely amounted to nothing worthwhile.

You can be humble and contribute.

Not my issue if you can’t be bothered to verify
