WW AoE Post-Buff

Anyone else feeling tight on globals since we swapped toward the BoK oriented build for AoE? We’re flooded with procs for a fair amount of time to the point where I’ve talented out of Chi Burst. Also is it weird for anyone else to see BoK creep towards Flurry Strikes in the overall?

It definitely feels wack, it’s like wack a mole and things are coming off cd at the same time and you constantly feel fomo on other abilities. Not smooth to say the least. I also don’t understand for the life of me why rising sun kick was not buffed?

Im loving the higher pace. This is how WW should play. This see a opening and take advantage of it playstyle.

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Because even unbuffed, it’s still one of the highest damage per execution time abilities monk has.

I like the higher pace too, but our GCD doesn’t.