WTS Name "Pumper"

Boiz trying to offload this name and free up a character slot as I no longer play on ED. Would anyone be interested in buying this name on Emerald Dream for 1 mil gold? That’s equivalent to like 2x +20 Carries. Let me know plz fellaz. It should be available immediately and not locked to my bnet acct as it’s on a lvl 10 character. Thanks

If you want to offload it, you just type “delete” in the character creation screen.


if there happens to be anyone with an original name laying around like this guy and wants gold for it , send me mail with what you got

I’ve got chronic flatulence. That’s not a name, but it’s very real and limits my ability to be in elevators. I have to use the stairs but even that is perilous because with each upward step I risk ruining my britches again. My boss gave me the top floor office not as a promotion but so he could mock me. I have to leave my house an hour early for work each day just to allow time for me to “pinch’n’step” my way up 18 flights of stairs just to get to my office. One day, around the 12th floor I remembered I left my briefcase in the car and had to go all the way back for it and start again. It was 10:30 before I got to my desk. Thankfully, my wife’s boyfriend is pretty good about reminding her about leaving a pair of clean britches for me in the hallway outside their room every morning so I always have a back up pair.

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