WTH Did They Do To Anduin!?

I think the weathered look does him good.


He is more manduin now than he was ever before.
You’re just jealous the alliance got a hot as hell character.

I thought it was clever that the next expack is called “The War Within.” The double meaning with both the war with in Azeroth and Anduin coming to terms with who he is or wants to become is epic.


means, several normal conversation

No we need a proper patriarch

“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown…”

Anduin, now knows what it means to be a King.

Why do i feel like you dont care whatsoever, you just had bunch of ideas for “jokes” that you somehow wanted to went out.

Still though looks more like Anakin

Idk about Anakin but they made him look like a Turalyon mini me and that’s all kids of weird, especially if they’re sticking him with Alleria throughout the next expansion’s story.

That’s just the vibe I got from it.

Especially with the look and feel.

When Anduin was introduced I knew the tide had turned.

It wasn’t JUST about what happened to him in SL. He’s been through a lot. SL was what ultimately broke him.

TBH im starting to think they did this to really hide the foreshadowing of his fall.

While crying like a little weak pathetic baby, Thrall warns him about his thoughts and where its taking him…at the end he gets up in anger and points the sword towards the screen in the exact same way Arthas did in Wraths cinematic, the sword that had Arthas’s soul in it.

Pretty sure years of wandering around in SL will do that to you. He’s also not a child anymore. The new Anduin seems like a nice cross between reluctantly hopeful and severely traumatized.

I’d cut my hair short too if I was just wandering alone with a sharpened magic sword lol.

He just needs a pair of ludicrously huge pauldrons to pull him out of his rut. No one’s a proper warcraft character until they have an Empire State Building or two on their shoulders.