WTH Did They Do To Anduin!?

Made him instantly dislikable.

Just like Luke but I personally never cared for Anduin…except as a war trophy.


He should have long hair to look more like Varian. That would have been poetic in that Varian also had an identity crisis when he didn’t know who he was and had to reconcile that before his return. Having Anduin go through a similar spell of going missing and returning after discovering who he is after something terrible, but also resemble Varian visually too… would have been a really nice silent storytelling touch.

But of course can’t expect the writers and designers to appreciate subtlety like that. Let’s shave his head and make him look like he’s about to give bad health advice in a gym on tiktok.


Guy wanders the world for 6 years away from civilization trying to get over trauma. What did you expect? Clean shaven with a hair bun. Good lord people are petty.

You have never had long hair and camping for more then a week, have you. Let alone fight. It is probably the single most annoying thing to take care of when you aren’t around water and conditioner 24/7.


Its all good though because once Daddy Wrathion see’s him he will take very…very good care of him.

Going to give him the old and rumored 'dragon tongue twister clean’er upper" - with vibrating cleanse.


Wasn’t his reply when faced with that, a confession that despite his awareness of his actions he actually enjoyed them on some level?

That dude is dealing with some MAJOR issues.


Obviously thats not what people expected… but not this most generic and uninteresting look. Thrall looks amazing. Anduin looks garbage. Even his key art is crap.

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Varian’s crisis was… different. He was an amnesiac at that time.

They made him hot. Not a baby faced button nose brad pitt wannabe anymore.


Yeah the pacifist realizing part of him LIKED the combat. That’ll spook anyone


Everyone handles almost erasing the universe differently.


Of course it was different. I said similar in arc, not the same. Its a parallel that would have been nice to see in the design choice as well.

He ain’t hot. No matter what cope you tell yourself, he looks like he stumbled out of a community college frat house.


Just out here waiting at this point for the people complaining that he’s not masculine, or worse…


If this is a reference to Vikings then that is the exact thought I had when I saw him lmao

The Banshee Queen cried as she died in failing to stop Arthas…then did not cry again enduring all of the same things.

So yeah, sick of all this crybaby garbage just to have feelings in everything. This is not good character development or writing.

Is there no one capable of writing with understanding that a person that does not have full control of their actions can UNDERSTAND THAT and not blame themselves, and blame the foul magic that caused it…not a hard concept.


get used to it big man andy is in town now

He evolved from Justin Bieber to Tom Hardy.


Pretty much. First thought that crossed my mind.

Is it cope to be attracted to something someone else isn’t? Really? We aren’t all clone robots, people like different things. You don’t like the new look, I do, boohoo get over it.