WTF you nerfed Deep Coral Pood?

Just find out that blizzard nerfed the poods to only be usable at nasjatar, cool move, no reason to turn on wmode any longer if you are ranged. gg blizzard keep happy the melee train like this whole expansion.


You could try getting good at your class?


nah, i will just turn off warmode, its not about being good, its about classes arent balanced at all.

Play destro and lol chaos bolt someone to death?


nope, i wont be forced to play what i dont want. I play affliction even if blizzard keep it in shiit mode. Much easier to me to turn off warmode, enjoy the melee world pvp, dont need to have wmode any longer any way.

Thats your problem your playing the least strongest spec for a warlock. Sad honestly i remember when affliction was the best


Are you new? Has classes every been balanced? Certainly not in vanilla when locks were literally gods.


pretty much no balance this expansion at all, 10 to 1 horde ratio in wmode, no class balance, pretty much melee world, so no ty blizzard, wmode off again.

My Shammy will have to disagree with you. If you think this expac has been hard on ranged, you really need to practice more.



its not a melee world you say but just see in this post how many melee pass by to probe me wrong in my post.

I blame the OP for pods being nerfed. Sitting on the AH mount in front of the AH is the type of behavior that doesn’t go unpunished. Karma and all that


Full banana tmog. Man that set looks awesome! :cowboy_hat_face:


Ojo is right, but the pods were a late edition. I was out in the field as early as Brewfest 2018, when the xpac was still new. I understand the pods got a love for the one thing all ranged lacks: MOBILITY. I thought hunter mobility was bad, but warlocks and priests especially aren’t mobile.

But I have no qualms not being mobile or less mobile if I can take hits in melee. That’s the exchange: mobility for defense, defense for mobility. And ranged got screwed on both while melee got blessed with both. If deepcoral pods were the only thing that made ranged relevant in open-world, then everything I said before and after was true. So I have become justified in my previous threads female-doggin’ to Blizzard about why they didn’t get us out of MeleeCraft by 8.2.

Deepcoral pods wasn’t going to cut it. Tune-ups weren’t going to cut it. A few nerfs to some melee class/specs wasn’t going to cut it. What would have cut it was giving both range types the same amount of uptime.

imho remove it from the game, thanks


I could log on to my max level ranged characters to tell you that you are wrong if it would make you feel better?

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Decided to kick it old school for a bit, in honor of Classic.

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Wow, what a whiner. If you need deep coral pods to be viable in WPVP then you should have turned WM off a long time ago. LTP warlock.

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There’s at least 2 other threads condemning the nerf and applauding the nerf.

That’s just an FYI. Don’t really care either way

I am annoyed at the pod nerf too but you have no reason to complain as a lock especially at your item/neck level

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Rogues dont have the right to complaint at all, they have being in god tier the whole expansion, triple rogues wins in m+