WTF junky loot sytem

I have over 23+ attempts in the past 3 days in Vortex Pennacle M+ for the rainsong trinket for my shaman, WTF is this “new” loot system? NOT happy. Never has there been another game out there that hates its players so much that it refuses to give players gear. Scroll to Vortex Pennacle Why should the few spergs out there dictate what the rest of us “casuals” have to do to get gear? We pay a monthly sub with real money for this S*t? I’ve been playing since vanilla beta and THIS is the st it’s come down to? Surely, I can’t be the only one with this issue.

Bad RNG is bad RNG, it sucks but it happens.

Back in SL I had to run Halls of Atonement like 30 times to get my legendary memory.

I’m fighting this same battle, I lucked out and got a Veteran lvl Rainsong from a run, but still trying to find a Champ+ one.

And of course, my buddy got a Champ Rainsong from his vault -.-

Items being elusive in M+ isn’t overly new, people have been fighting with bad RNG forever. The new parts of the loot system, while not perfect, are really pretty awesome.

Honestly, I think this system is horrible. I’ll be the first to admit I loved how the BFA loot system was. It was easy to gear up your main and alts because enough gear dropped for everyone. None of this master looter crap in raids either, I hated it in vanilla and I hate it now (granted it’s a little different now). I think this girl has had enough bad luck for one game. Thanks for letting me rant.

To be fair, I skipped BFA, so don’t know how the loot was back then!

I think it was good when everything queued was personal loot, and any premade groups the leader could set the loot style, but it was easily visible to the rest of the group, so you’d know if it was personal or master or need/greed, and could choose your groups accordingly.

But, that’s just my opinion, and they’re like. . .faces. Everyone has one!

I just finished my 40th run and still NO trinket. BFA was amazing, too bad you missed out. It showered you with gear and it didn’t stop people from playing, it made them want to play more and run more keys. If anything, this cancerous system now is making me want to quit and making me wish I could take everyone with me just to make a point to Blizz. It’s a shame no one will ever read this or care enough about this to make a difference. :broken_heart: