WTF is this melee meta in Arena and Shuffle

See it had to be a dh player why cant people just be honest why. What other metric do you need to realize there are clear ooutliers.

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Maybe you’re just dog

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Its ok bro, I got you. He needs to hear it from a Ret.

You’re the self-admitted ret that doesn’t have any damage or survivability die to a.lack of proficiency with the spec.

Ret is in a very good spot at the moment and just because it got dropped to A+ tier and you can no longer make it work does not mean it is no longer any good.

You will never be a real Ret. You have no Light, you have no Sanc. You are a crude mockery of the Light’s perfection–a BM hunter at heart, you long for a class that allows you be successful for pushing two buttons. And ret filled that void in your heart ever so briefly. You received a tabard but no pennant. Your friends may support you playing Ret, but anytime you group with them they secretly resent you making a choice of “main” that you are so bad at. Even your guild leader has no respect for your choice and long after you quit this game your guild note will always have your Retribution Paladin labeled as exactly what it is. “Alt”. That’s your true name, friend. And that will never change. It is time for you and the Light to go separate ways–it has clearly forsaken you.


what does “melee” mean? like close-ranged right :]
melee vs ranged - 1:0

melee is faster and way more activity but rogues dks warriors demonhunters enhancement shamans not boomkins

they all the same

arms in every lobby doesnt make it meta. it means theres more arms warrior players than anything else. this has always been the case, even when they are bad.

100% this. My fury does 50% more output than my arms and has way better survivability than arms and noone plays it. Arms has a huge population but it isnt really meta. C@$+3r$ dont really seem to understand the difference between population = class balance. Like rn dhs are below population of wars and theyre INSANELY overpowered rn

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arms is right behind dh in played right now but that’s nothing new its always 2nd or 3rd even when people think its bad

its also only friday so take all data with a grain of salt


I laugh my butt off every time I see some idiot say it’s a caster meta. You obviously don’t play the game if you believe that. I’ve been playing a lot of shuffle on my lock this week, and since I’m on vacation it’s every day all day, and I almost never see another caster, it’s literally me and three melee, then with their negative I.Q. they rush in and pop all their CD’s to win the game, not exactly what I call fun.


They just train me every game :sob: but atleast they are consistent. Like I can 100% know a warrior will follow me wherever I go on the map so sometimes i just bring him behind pillars :expressionless:


Yes it does stupid


no… it doesnt.

Arms is the most played spec every season, popularity does not equal meta.

No its not

Youre doin the same thing u did s1 where u sniffed a little rating for the first time and then sat on the forums acting like you understand anything. You just play an overuned melee bud who tries to cc into precog regularly and leaps in pops cds every round, pipe down.


well if Arms is overtuned, with 3 in the top 100 in 3v3 over 2k rating, and 200-250 peak rating lower than other specs in RSS, With the highest play rate of any spec, maybe we should overtune some other classes, lmao. braindead trolls -_-

Two week old thread, came back just to say. You’re wrong, plus cringe, plus L bozo, plus DH even more cringe, plus named your character Demonic. Gotta say man, that’s a lot of cringe in post.


love it lol. that was beautiful


2 melee on a caster, that caster won’t get much done. 2 casters on a melee…the melee is dishing out damage the entire time and one of the casters might even die.

But go off with saying its a “caster meta” when melee now have more instant range cc and gap closers than ever before.

7000 melee+huntards above 1800
2783 casters above 1800
Melee meta where? Its obviously caster meta. With demo nerfs coming its gonna be even more of a caster meta. You cray.

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Don’t worry, with smexxin in there as a pvp dev, the way they’ll nerf arms is by making fury even more op so they’ll all switch over to that


Certain classes know they will be focuses all 6 matches, like Ret Pallies haha.

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If they made warlock teleports and gates more useful in Blitz Brawl, I’d be playing mine instead of the feral druid.

But as things stand… there is no way I’m playing a nearly 100% immobile toon in those situations no matter how “tanky” you think it is.