WTF is the point of World PVP if people can just ALT F4 out of it!

I have Videos and screenshots of dozens of people now that have just vanished during PVP combat on me. One even admitted all he does is ALT F4 whenever he gets attacked.
Others just stay in a group and enter an instance group when ever they get attacked that the ALliance of Moon Guard apparently offer eachother on TAP every day all day.

SO WTF, WHY ISN’T THIS BEING FIXED? I can’t imagen this isn’t something that wasn’t being done in Dragon Isles.


cry me a river

the ez way to leave a wpvp encounter is to queue a follower dungeon


There are many ways to leave a fight, but at least you don’t lose anything if the other guy does leave.

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If someone alt F4s they don’t disappear. I don’t know why people think alt F4 works but it doesn’t.

Your character remains in the game for up to a minute or so as a disconnected character when you alt f4. What they’re likely doing is follower dungeons.


If you queue for a follower dungeon you can instantly leave combat. There’s like a 30 second window to accept it as well, so you can pretty much never die. I will say I just did the 100 sparks and we farmed up 100x + became zone assassins in mere minutes. I didn’t see anyone leaving, and we even captured a zone drop crate.

IMO Blizzard should lock you from queueing or accepting a queue or any other way to leave a zone while in Warmode combat. This includes any LFD, LFG, summons, zone outs, phasing, hearthing, or anything. It should all be locked while in combat.


It’s pretty crazy to me that in PVP, people rather weasel out than take the death. It’s not like your gear breaks to 0 dura, or you drop your items, lol.

Dying is not that big of a deal in WPVP, people need to get over it.


They need to bring back PvP realms and get rid of war mode.


I blame the cancer that is the Like and Subscribe generation…

That solves nothing about this topic. And no.


Ah so thats why a warrior phased out of existence as soon as I entered combat with them in wpvp


I don’t know how these players vanish, but it is cheating. When they do that, we do not gain honor or bloody tokens.

People that alt f4 are not worth talking about. Stop being a fatalist

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People that alt f4 are still dead… They don’t instantly vanish. Their characters become disconnected characters for roughly a minute.

How to kill Warmode participation in a few easy steps lol.

You need to be able to play the game with Warmode on. You need to be able to fly, take Ques and play just as if you had Warmode off. The only difference with Warmode is you are chossing to also engage other players. That’s it.

They just need to remove the toxic bounty system.

Omg for real like solo shuffle…it’s a slap in the face and then blizz punches you in gut

yes they should enforce a shock collar

I often am out in the world while queued for rated PvP. Gives me something to do for the 10-20 minutes at times, I’d be pretty ticked if I missed my queue because of this.

I get what you’re saying, but I don’t think this is the answer.

Maybe just make it so you cannot start a queue while in combat. Would target the follower dungeon, at least.

Or just have the system emote what you did. “Pootieshoe-Sargeras accepted a follower dungeon summons” or something so you can shame them at least idk.


If someone escapes by taking a queue, just take that as a W and carry on with your life.


We just need to have follower dungeon queues disabled with WM on, easy fix


Lol… chill out lil kid. It’s my opinion.