WTF! If Vrykul we're playable race

I want to give my idea although I don’t know if they would care, and it is the following question: what would happen if the vrykul race were a playable race? Would the wow community accept them?

“Not satisfied with humans who were larger horizontally, he demanded humans who were larger vertically.”

jk, i’d be down for it, as long as I get to be a blue one like from Northrend.

The opinion of a wow player is always worth it, it doesn’t matter that others don’t care, I support you

I mean I like it. But I’ve always wanted Tuskarr more. I think this would make a great pairing with them though. Maybe if classic + had northrend they could add both these guys as playable races. That’d be my dream.

Later I will make a post about the tuskar possibly being playable in a future expansion
Edit: because I have a proof of a Latino found a datamaning of possible playable races for the next expansion

I wouldn’t he angry at all if they became playable, but personally there are plenty of other races i would like to see before yet another human, just a different size.

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My biggest question now is what is with Blizz and every race being hunchback?

Red Draenei Warlocks plz

hunchbacked worgen, hunchbacked tuskars and hunchbacked gnolls WTF I think the fashion will now be hunchbacked vrykul

I think those were eredar and belonged to the legion which was eradicated

I’d love playable vrykul. Although frankly they could just make them a body size option for kul tirans and I’d be happy with that too.

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So far the tallest in stature are the drachthyr, before the tallest were the Zandalari. I think that the size is the least if the drachthyr are giants.