WTF Happened to ED

I thought it was Refail?

Lol bfa is bad but keep pretending that classic isn’t dying faster and even more brain dead. What did they clear bwl in? 40 minutes? Real skill there :joy:

PS don’t be so salty
 Classic is okay
 Just the irony of your statement is pretty comical :joy:


Classic is more of a pvp endgame, the only reason people even do the raids is to pvp with high end gear. Comparing classic pvp and retail pvp makes me laugh cuz arena games are just won by “Me HaVe InFiNiTe StArS aNd MiNdFlAy CoRrUpTiOn! Me WiN!!! :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:”

That doesn’t take any skill tho amiright? Imagine thinking BFA is the apex of wow gameplay when arena is the most scripted it has ever been. I can go on and on about what’s wrong with bfa pvp, but that is just a waste of my time, and has nothing to do with the thread.

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^ look how hard he’s trying to justify playing classic. Keep it up and you might just convince yourself you enjoy it.


Rat player^^^

You sound super salty man
 Holy we get it you love classic and think it’s the epitome of wow
 Hold on to those glory days my man. Drink some water though, probably dehydrated from all the salt



You’re better off just coming clean and admitting you have nothing to say and you’re just whining to find someone to talk with other than continue making an a$$ of yourself; You offer only excuses, complaints, and apologetics.

And yeah, I imagine people would be salty. You’re a bland egg with no flavor.

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My RP MMR is gladiator level bro


You arent allowed to call other people mad when you’ve already been chosen as the designated mad person by multiple people. Thats just how the internet works, sadly.


How does that work when I taste the salt coming from their tears. Stay mad :stuck_out_tongue:

Please tell me what excuses I’ve said? Ig i’ve been wrong this whole time. The server is lively, Org and smc are rp hubs filled with different personalities. I also had an INSANEEEEEEE 40v40 fight yesterday against another guild.

But seriously though, im just telling the op how it is and y’all are so upsetti. It’s kinda funny tbh. Keep entertaining me :slight_smile:

What if the mad are defending the mad, and this server is dead but yall are so blind to the truth that you’ve slowly driven yourselves to madness defending it. Open your eyes, drop your big boy RP glad status and take yourselves down a few pegs.

I don’t think I’ve seen more stupidity in one place.

They aren’t stupid, just delusional shrug

One, you’re trying too hard to justify yourself.

Secondly, I’m sure you can read and your reading comprehension seems fine.

Read your posts several times. I’m sure you could find them.

Also, you’re not worth getting upset over. You’re only doing what comes naturally to an attention starved idiot. I may as well be upset at a frog for being a frog if I’m going to waste my time caring what you think.

Do yourself a favor. Don’t over think or read too much into this. Save yourself the embarassment and have a little dignity while you can.

Later chump.

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 And for the record? It’s delusional think to think that those who do not share your opinion or point of view is delusional.

That’s actually one of the criteria for being diagnosed as delusional so

 Good news! You’ve passed.

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Use the quote system kiddo, but hey dont wanna make some randy on the internet mad :crazy_face:

So by your method of thinking aren’t you delusional too? :rofl:

When I quote you should I put Shadowx?

And Drag for dongboy?

Imagine thinking hiding on an alt saves you any kind of face, when people can’t stand your main as it is.


Then what is this? Very hypocritical Lluagor. But like i said have fun hosting events only your own guild shows up too.

But but I’m on an alt! Howd you know!?

XD 10chars