WTF , Bee mount only for Alliance?

i would happily buy the bee mount for 200k off the AH

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didnā€™t see any horde players during the event leading to the opening of Siege of Org complaining when they got to actually attack while alliance were simply ordered to sneak a robot cat around and gather intel so that horde could attack

horde player /starts making pounty lip sad face but but I wanna robo kitty too alliance gets all the fun toys its not fair!!! /throws a tantrum


I remember the original version of the Alliance/Darkspear Rebellion working together had Volā€™jin intimidating the Alliance into helping the Horde rebels. It required the players to complain for Blizzard to add a dialogue option to call off Volā€™jinā€™s desperate bluff.

Pay someone to power level your character.

The Alliance is waiting for you.


So, will the Horde be looking down crying or looking up and seeing the Alliance flying?


So, you deny Horde got two (soon lessened to one) extra mounts, 3 extra max level questlines and three extra cinematics telling their side of the story?


thats irrelevant

do the horde have access to a bee model mount? or an equivalent unique model like a wasp or different colored bee getting released at the same time?

Says the player of the faction that got the better deal.


Except the alliance indeed CAN use the pterrodax, it just has to be grabbed with a horde toon. So the equivalent would be the bee has to be farmed on an Alliance character, but can be used on the Hordeā€¦ Get it?

And in all likelihood this is what will end up happening with the bee mount.


If blizzard is planning on giving the Alliance a faction exclusive mount, I think it should not be the bee mount that a large number of players (from both factions) have been looking forward to since the preview.

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Horde gets a pterrordax.
ā€œLol, itā€™s fine, stop whining. You can get it on Horde and use as Alliance.ā€

Horde gets a direhorn.
ā€œLol, itā€™s fine, stop whining. You can get it on Horde and use as Alliance.ā€

Alliance gets a bee.
ā€œWTF? Thatā€™s so unfair! What do you mean I need to get it as Alliance to use as Horde?ā€


alliance has access to this model without leveling a horde character to 120

alliance has access to this one as well without leveling a horde to max level

horde have no access to this unique model or something unique being released next to it. i dont think its been confirmed the bee is shared between the factions. and the method to obtaining it requires a horde only player to level a max level alliance character to get it. this is a first

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Reading through the comments, most people donā€™t seem to realize that. Or care.

shut your yap,you got all kinds of cool mounts-raptors,cooler motorcyles when we got reskinned freaking horses.


You want the bee that much?

Then better start leveling your Alliance alt. Patch is two months away, plenty of time to get to max.

Actually, I checked, no it doesnā€™t.

It has access to an armored one, but If I want the unarmored version of the model, itā€™s Horde-exclusive. 4 versions of the model are Horde-only, including an exclusive ghost variante, and the last one is useable on Alliance but only obtainable on Horde.

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it doesnt matter if its armored or not. its the same model. and you actually have another version you can get from the mop raid from the throne of thunder raid meta achieve

No, technically itā€™s not the same model.
Different looks. Itā€™s not a color variant.

So, which Alliance race will you level up?

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it has the same rig and theme if you want to get technical. its a pterodactyl

Itā€™s not a color variant, so they are different models. Nice try.

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