WTB Mage/Lock (H) 8/10H for Fun and Debauchery

[Masochistic Tendencies] (Horde) recently reformed on Turalyon-US after taking a break for a few years.

MT has been around since 2009 on US-Uldaman. After stepping away from the game for a couple of years after my husband passed away (he got me into WOW in 2007), I have been sucked right back in!

Many of our original core have also returned, including our Raid Leader. We have always been a heroic raiding guild because we don’t have the time or the patience for mythic raiding. We’re old, we’re tired, and we just want to have fun. We are currently 8/10 H in Castle Nathria.

MT is a laid back east coast guild, mostly adults over 35 many in our 40s and 50s. Along with some of our 20-something kids!

We are a bunch of goofballs, sense of humor is a must. We are not PG rated. :slightly_smiling_face:

We are very active in the evening hours, and a very social bunch. Our discord chatter is nonstop. Our raids are almost full, and we consistently run with 20+ players. There are mythic keys going constantly.

We are looking for a mage and a warlock for our raid team. Maybe 2 or more. We don’t have biscuits. We don’t have cookies. Nobody’s bringing the punch and pie. And we’re sad. And hungry.

Our raids are full on: Tanks, heals, and melee dps. We will consider other ranged if you’re a good fit. But we REALLY FRICKIN NEED CLOTHIES THAT SET THINGS ON FIRE.

Raid times are Mon/Wed 8:30-11:30pm server (EST).



Still looking. We’re hungry.

We fisted that sludge! Now 8/10 Heroic.
We had a mage and a lock in the group. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Sadly, they’re only part timers. We need full timers!

Come join the fun!