WTB Gold Cap Removal or Increase Please =)

I honestly disagree… With Tier 3 being craftable next patch 99% of the equipment on their is worthless and can be farmed still. Most of the mounts that are frequently up are low drop chance mounts that you can still farm like the drake of the west wind. The only items that I see ever really kick off are the darkmoon ticket pouches and the unopened boxes.

The rare mounts like Zulian Tiger or Brutosaur are never on the market they are so rare they always hit gold cap.

And BMAH usually only has 3-5 items a day… It kinda feels like an afterthought now with better systems like Trading Post, Twitch Loot, Prime Rewards, etc.

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Also false. There’s a lot of other things, like the Sunlute, etc that you cannot get anywhere else.

How does stating an item that falls in the 1% of the 99% prove me false? If anything you are proving my point.

Some will never understand how more money in an economy affects everybody else at every other level.


Also consider the integrity of server specific BMAH will be outdated in two weeks when you can tranfer gold across all servers anyway… so it will become a dated system and if the argument against unrestricted gold cap is simply " i dont wanna pay more than 10m for a BMAH item " to use the argument against you as well thats for us in the minority to worryabout and doesnt affect 99% of the playerbase =P

Gaze enviously at the people with 300 million and lament how poor you are?


Wrong, it has already lost server specific integrity. People have been transferring for big ticket items for a long time now.

Oh, I’m sorry… you want me to go through the entirety of the BMAH and list everything that isn’t your precious T3? I’d be here all day.

You’ve got it backwards. Tier 3 is not the main reason people use the BMAH.

You proved my point, not the other way around. Enjoy your day.

Hey Runescape just increased their gold cap, can’t see why here can’t do it too.

Just curious, why keep it all in wow currency? Can convert some of that to Bnet balance to alleviate capping yourself over and over.

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These all have caps. Bnet balance cap…

btw im not angry or mad at ya =) i love a good debate and discussion!

<TRUST ME … if they put my Magic Rooster on the Trading post or make it a promotion i wont be happy>

its more than acceptable to disagree =)

I simply want this to become a subject for discussion now since many of the old reason for keeping gold cap where it is has mainly eroded away.


It’d certainly make expensive item sales more secure and not benefit from a trusted third party.

This will happen soon enough.

I only see the gold cap going away once gold is account wide.

(Pepe Hands) A man can dream…

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No empatheticly. I’m sitting at 200k and this is a video game. Not a job and shouldn’t be like running a business.

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Additionally, please increase the guild bank gold cap, 10m for something that can have 1000 players is pretty low to be honest.


You know, sadly, probably. Now that I think of it I just said I almost have gold cap but couldn’t imagine having 13x gold cap. I am just happy for what I have as most people don’t have that. I should not think about more :slight_smile:

Are you just a facetious know it all punk in all of your posts? You seriously cherry pick fragments of a statement to suit your argument.

I mentioned that now that Tier 3 will be craftable that 99% of the equipment items in the BMAH can be acquired without the BMAH, IE still acquirable from their content. The vast majority of items in the BMAH you can still get from raids and dungeons, even mounts and pets.

Again, you are focusing on only a tiny fragment of my argument because you know I have a point. You are trying to warp what I said into “Tier 3 is all that matters in the BMAH” when I was very clear in my previous post…

Your point being that you have reading comprehension issues or are so willfully ignorant that it’s painful?


I completely agree… but I play this game for 1 reason… 100% achievement hunting… and once your get to those difficult ones that require 10+ people… you need all the capital you can get to eek out those last few tedious achieves…

your more than within your right to treat this as a “game” and there is nothing wrong with that… but others…crazy people like me… want to go all the way

mom dad… please stop fighting

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