WSG "skill jumps" -- why can't these be fixed?

Sure, you can get on top of tunnel from the 2nd level, but jumping up the walls, how is that not an exploit???

Summer Rules:

  • Players may not access “Safe Spots”.
    • Safe Spots are defined as areas of the map accessed by performing a jump or series of jumps with an end point that could not be reached without the series of jumps. Generally, most known jumps that skip between 2 tiers that are otherwise reachable is acceptable. In case of doubt, reach out to an admin.
    • Called out restricted Safe Spots:
      • Berserker & Leaf hut roof
      • On top of entrance arch to “Banana” (ramp to upper tier of base)
    • Players deemed to be abusing Safe Spots are subject to disqualification from the match.
  • Players are not allowed to use the ‘Character Stuck’ feature during a match. Using this feature would lead to disqualification.

Why can’t they make these inaccessible in game then???