WSG: My Solo Queue Adventures, by Snipy

Warsong Gulch PVP Battlegrounds

Some days I queue PVP Battlegrounds in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery. Sometimes I join random queues as a solo player, sometimes I queue with people from /trade chat who are looking for additional players for their premades (usually no voice, but occasionally on Discord, and sometimes I run premades myself).

This thread is intended to be a record of my solo queues. Not a sampling or random sampling, but a complete record of my experiences queuing solo for WSG in SoD, starting now.

This thread is not intended as a discussion about what my thoughts are on WSG, queue times, queue types, premades vs pugs etc. but rather a catalogue of my own personal experiences queuing solo.

I am currently 9895/21000 into Revered with Silverwing Sentinels. I do not queue BGs every day, so I don’t expect to update this thread daily, though I will attempt to get 3-5 matches in every couple of days, and update accordingly.

If you see me in games, say hi!


Jan 7th, 2024

Match 01: 22 minutes, PuG vs PuG 2/3 loss:

match 01

Match 02: 16 minutes, PuG vs PuG, 3/0 win:

match 02

Match 03: 39 minutes, PuG vs PuG 3/2 win (What a game! We were down 0/2 and came back to win it! GG Bois <3):

match 03

Jan 8th, 2024

Match 01: 16 minutes, PuG vs PuG 3/0 win:

Match 01

Match 02: 12 minutes, PuG vs Premade 0/3 loss:

Match 02

Match 03: 14 minutes, PuG vs PuG 0/3 loss:

Match 03

Match 04: 12 minutes, PuG vs PuG 3/0 win:

Match 04

Jan 8th, afternoon games

Match 01: 30 minutes, PuG vs PuG 3/2 win:

afternoon match 01

Match 02: 12 minutes, PuG vs PuG 0/3 loss:

afternoon match 02

Match 03: 13 minutes, PuG vs Premade* 0/3 loss:

afternoon match 03

jan 8th, night games

match 01: 15 minutes, PuG vs PuG 0/3 loss:

Match 01

match 02: 20 minutes, PuG vs PuG 1/3 loss:

Match 02

match 03: 7 minutes, PuG vs Premade 0/3 loss:

Match 03

Jan 9th, 2024

Around 5pm-ish (server time Crusader-Strike) starting time.

match 01: 18 minutes, PuG vs PuG 0/3 loss:

Match 01

match 02: 14 minutes, PuG vs PuG 0/3 loss:

Match 02

match 03: 17 minutes, PuG vs PuG 0/3 loss:

Match 03

Jan 24th, Lunchtime
Warrior solo queues

match 01: 7 minutes, PuG vs PuG 3/0 win:

Match 01

match 02: 8 minutes, PuG vs Premade 0/3 loss:

Match 02

match 03: 9 minutes, PuG vs PuG 0/3 loss:

Match 03 - no screenshot

match 04: 40 minutes, PuG vs PuG 3/0 win:

Match 04

*Jan 8th, afternoon match 03 was vs a team with 8 people from the same server


Edit: Nevermind. Big dumbo.

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Queuing right now. Going to go for another 3-5 matches this morning. Will update as I play. It is about 7:50am ST Crusader-Strike, at the time of this post, btw.



All he is doing is recording some match history lol

Lol nah; I was referring to myself. OP is cool.

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Who asked?

Premades should be matched vs premades and there is no argument for why this can’t happen.

They have literally done this before and know exactly how to solve it.

They are copping out because they don’t want to do the work.

4 pieces of bacon cooked this morning and 1 cup of coffee filled
3 pieces of bacon in my coffee is now half empty
as I brew my 2nd cup of coffee and bite the last half of the 4th piece of bacon it hits me…
I have to poop!

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Doing a few more right now.