WSG marks give xp?

I don’t remember marks giving xp.

Make it stop.



You don’t have to turn them in if you don’t want xp.


Of course they do, again, I was talking about leveling through pvp and was always called a liar.

So many things I said about Classic have become true, I wonder where the people are now, that always insulted me for my knowledge. :smiley:

They also stack to 20, the others enter your mailbox, but they won´t last forever, I believe 24 hours.


how much xp are we talkin? Is it viable compared to normal leveling methods?

Not really.

At lower levels maybe depending how fast you can win but its 1.5k xp every 3 marks and I think 3k exp the first turn in.

ahh too bad. 1.5k is like 8-15 mobs. Even a fast 3cap wouldn’t be as fast as grinding out that many mobs.

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Could be an unintended thing. They laid Classic over Legion foundation so it could be something to do with that. I’m hoping so as leveling thru PvP wasn’t a thing till what, Cat? MoP?


You surely get more in dungeons, not so sure about quests, as they can be quite slow with certain builds.

That being said, if you manage to play on the winning side, you can gain some very easy rep with good rewards and you also level up. Back in Vanilla, I did level some of my chars like that, it was before Twinks became a thing and once I hit 60, I was exalted and could get very good items from the vendors.
Some are even epic and unless you raid, will carry you for quite some time.

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I also don’t remember elites in the bunkers in AV either in the later patches. I remember being able to cap those with 1 person. But in this matter, my memory is fuzzy. Point being, honor in AV might be inflated.

Nope, the BlizzCon demo was Legion.

Classic uses BfA. Was pointed out by the data miners when the employee Alpha was made available.

The game shouldn’t be designed around your foggy memory.

It’s not unintended. This is how it was. Marks turned in will give you XP, you can read stories of this happening in the past. In some cases, some uninformed twinks did this and leveled their characters.


If I remember correctly, WSG marks did not give experience until after vanilla. I could be wrong though.

Yes they did, you don’t even have to dig far just look on wowhead comments

No. Its just enough to screw over twinks. Not enough to really level off of.

Once you can AV it is, 3 marks turned in equals 3.3k exp

Odd, only remember turning em in for gear in their respective zones.

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But it hurts building rep