[WSB] Announcing the Third Crusade

The Empire marches on.

I bet that law exam 1v1 was rough

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You should post on the transmog thread, that is a pretty good mog except for the cloak, which is super ugly. 9/10

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Doesn’t have his usual e-girl contigent healing him through all that pressure.

Where is Clan Battlehammer in all of this?

Someday it will update. The actual transmog is the Horde Wrap of Unity with that outfit. Thanks for the look.

tents her fingers before her face. She looks through her [Hearthstone] and sees Himanshu.

“Emaciated”, she says to no-one. She grabs the [Journal Heretic] and flips its pages open to a section written in the Common language.

und mit die dritte Reich kommt die dritte Krieg”, she reads aloud with a heavy, nearly indiscernible accent.

"I’ll have Porpherius translate this " , she says, gently closing the journal’s cover.


tents her fingers before her face. She looks through her [Hearthstone] and sees Himanshu .

“Emaciated”, she says to no-one. She grabs the [Journal Heretic] and flips its pages open to a section written in the Common language.

und mit die dritte Reich kommt die dritte Krieg”, she reads aloud with a heavy, nearly indiscernible accent.

"I’ll have Porpherius translate this " , she says, gently closing the journal’s cover.

Lol that’s kinda super messed up.

Well that didnt last too long! RIP.


Lmao get owned nerd


Came under my prediction too. I haven’t seen another GM that’s been so ungodly awful to his/her guildies.

But hey we’ll see everyone back in 2 months for “Days of Our Himanshu”.

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I am a simple Hammer and do not speak for clan leadership.

That being said, to my knowledge, the Clan refused to trust WSB and was cynical of their faction xfer. This comes from a long history of knowing what exactly the WSB was and the megalomania that characterizes its leadership.

WSB was expected to not last, and the Clan will continue to do what it has done for a decade - be a solid foundation of Alliance WPvP, continue to aid allies when it can and slay horde. We detest big-raid lagfest pvp, and look forward to smaller-scale WPvP where you can actually press buttons and enjoy the game.


Let’s goooo

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