Wrongfully banned

i have had my whole account banned for “hacking/botting” and I have never done such a thing! hell i dont even use DBM or anything els! and i still get banned and its been a few days and the only response i have gotten was from a bot…ironic. as well as i do have another account connected to this but when i try to add a sub they freeze it so now its impossible for me to play wow over something i never did! how am i supposed to fix this when i cant talk to anyone about this problem!


You used it, admit it, own up. Move on.



Ask a GM on Customer Support forum if you want more details.


why is it ironic? is that what you used to get banned?

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Move this to the Customer Service forum.

It’s ironic because they use bots to ban bots/players suspected of botting, doesn’t necessarily mean OP was botting, only the reason for his ban.
Did somebody really need to explain or were you just trying to be smart/funny?

Good luck OP. I believe you, or at least I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt because Blizz’ automated ban system and automated customer support bots are disgusting.


Stop botting dude


Its hard to take these posts seriously. Over the years there have been thousands of these posts and the vast majority are from players lying about their actions. If you did get a ban from something you didn’t do then you have my sympathy, but history tells us you probably deserve it. Cheers!


Shouldn’t have been botting.


t’s funny how everyone commenting on here is a smartass saying “stop botting” or “shouldn’t have been botting”. However they have all probably gotten countless summons from warlock bots.


get rekt kid.

I’m kidding. I’m sorry, I’m sure you’re innocent even though my original(this) account has never been actioned before in any way. Maybe you got unlucky.

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Las Vegas betting line would heavily favor lying.

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oh absolutely, if bots went away the economy would suck and thats a fact.

but theres also no rule against buying the mats bots flood on the AH.

No… It’s not a fact.

Bots flood the market with cheap goods and also cause gold inflation making rarer goods more expensive.

It’s why flasks get to be crazy expensive and they weren’t in 2005.

or doing something they didn’t know was against the rules, like making macros outside the game using your mouse/keyboard software that do more then 1 action per click.

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No such thing. Those are multiboxers.

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If they came from another older mmorpg that didn’t have the same add on/macro support, I could see this.

Not 10 years in mind you, but if you played DAoC external macro software is needed.

Ahh… blizzard customer service, not gonna do anything for you sadly, wrongful bans have been happening… they don’t actually use people. Oh ignore the cynics, they simp for papa blizz.