Wrong Purchase of Bullion Item

Has anyone else run into this issue? I bought the wrong bullion item. I intended to buy the “Seal of Diurna’s Chosen” but instead accidentally bought a second “Seal of Filial Duty” and I only realized because when equipping it, it replaced the one I had on and put it into my bag. I realized immediately and my stomach sank, and I looked around online and saw their page on currencies and item refunds. So I immediately logged out because of the 2 hour policy as well as it says if you do any kind of content, I made sure not to move locations or do ‘anything’.

I put in a ticket and they linked me the same page that I had already saw and said they love the game and that I probably do too, and that they would not be doing anything for my situation, and proceeded to explain the in-game item refund method that I’ve been using for, I’m pretty sure, over a decade(just can’t remember exactly when it was implemented).

I love the development direction for the PvE in Dragonflight and beyond, and the story for the World Soul Saga story looks absolutely incredible, but this feels completely wrong in policy, and I know for a fact that older Blizzard customer support would have helped me in an identical situation. I’ve put in like 10 tickets at most over my years playing(since 2007), and it seems they just care less and less to actually help players with stuff like this, or treat me like I’m trying to do some kind of exploit. Should I be quitting the game to vote with my wallet on how they handle CS now, even though I love the rest of the game? This was two weeks of waiting for time-gated currency, and there’s probably only one month left before the pre-patch reworks the whole game(specializations and stats).

I finally got my legendary on my evoker after many weeks of trying, and because of that I was working on getting all my best in slot crafted stuff, and went and got the fire helmet enchant, and I was hoping to see how high I could push above +10 on mythics, but I feel I’ve just wasted my efforts now. I’m sure it seems like I’m making a mountain out of a molehill here, but that ring has been very powerful on my other characters, and I just don’t get why they named it so similarly, put a nearly identical effect, gave it a nearly identical icon, and put them on the same vendor, and it doesn’t go away if you already have it or have “already owned” on it.

There is a pop-up that appears as soon as you try to equip the item asking if you accept, informing you that the item cannot be refunded, if it was a missclick it would fit, but according to your report it was pure lack of attention. In two weeks you will be able to buy the right ring, there is plenty of time to finish season 4.


There’s absolutely no reason to not be able to exchange it for the currency with which it was purchased with the alloted return time. Completely cut out the need for the warning popup.

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I’ve done something similar drafting legendaries at the tail end of Shadowlands.
The GM said sorry no luck.

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Plenty of time for who and what? After 2 weeks have passed, there most certainly will not be plenty of time left in season 4. The expansion comes out in August, and pre-patch will end season 4, and there are two sets of affixes that can only be played every other week. We are mid-way through June and I have 2 weeks to wait for the next bullion item, and then after that I have more purchases I need to make, like offhand.

It sounds like they handled it consistently with their policies. The game didn’t mess up. You just made a mistake.


Isn’t that the case, until you equip it? Seems reasonable to expect people to pay a tiny bit of attention between purchasing it and equipping it.

Better solution seems like not letting you buy more than one unique-equipped item in the first place.

It has nearly the same name, same description, same icon, and is on the same vendor. It does not have any sort of a marker on it if it’s already owned and does not remove it from the list of available options either. I thought I was paying attention and buying the right one. I didn’t realize how similar they were until after.

I’m saying there’s no reason it should be a different currency after equipping it.

Seems reasonable, but in real life stuff happens. There’s really no reason to shift the exchange currency.

Better how? By gutting flexibility in how people round out their build?

Yeah, I guess all those folks with different enchants on copies of the same BIS item would be sol.

Diverting to sardonics when you can’t make an argument. Cute. Anyway have a good night sport.

The rules and policies have not changed. You are warned before buying what you are getting. This is a not paying attention issue.

Nothing blizz can do and quitting over this will do you nothing… Pay attention next times all can be said.

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I’ve gotten refunds in similar situations to this in Cata and MoP from CS, the way they handle this has changed. Quitting is voting with my wallet that I do not like the change in policy ‘of tickets’ not refunds specifically. I’m not saying anything about the in-game method of refund, I’m talking about how they are handling the ticket specifically. The in-game refund method is fine, but this is an anomalous situation with how similar the items are, and that the currency is time-gated, and that there is not much time left in the season.

Unfortunate, but this is your mistake. If you indeed put in significant effort to earn the currency, you could take a few seconds and be sure of your purchase.

A side question , this season and DF are over in two months. Does it matter?

A lot of rewards for this season are gone once the pre-patch comes out. I don’t think this season has another 2 months, because it ends on pre-patch not the xpac. I did check my purchase, not just closely enough to see the final word of the item name or more than a few words into the effect.

OP made a mistake and then went on a tirade of “Blizzard used to be better” when all that had happened is that they guy had:

  1. Made a simple mistake of not looking at what they bought.
  2. Didn’t pay attention to the popup confirming what they had bought.
  3. Then made tickets expecting a different outcome when… GMs quite literally wouldn’t be able to do anything to help them (ergo why the warning is there in the first place).
  4. Instead of saying “Well, I dun’ screwed up” they went to make a forum thread going “Oh, Blizzard is getting worse because I could’ve bought a Dragonflight ring back in 2004 and they would’ve given me Frostmourne” (yes, I’m being hyperbolic as OP’s tale is a fictional tale told way too many times on these forums, irregardless of whether what happened to OP did or didn’t happen).

My point is this:
At best, the guy screwed up and couldn’t own up to their own screwup and wanted to vent on the forums. What actually happened, that we know of, is that the guy went to the forums and posted the same thing that folks have been posting on these forums for years.

Responding with a lil’bit of hyperbolism for the sake of making it more entertaining is entirely warranted.

Furthermore, OP has both Seal of Diurna’s Chosen and Seal of Filial Duty equipped. The story is fictional. So the guy is a troll.

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Your fault. Sorry! I’d be upset I made that mistake too.

But I generally pay attention when I’m spending a rare currency. Live and learn :smiley:

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you clicked yes to the item

thats on you

You’re looking at my demon hunter when I’m talking about my evoker. I did say that I bought the wrong item, and that I clicked the accept button. And yes, that’s pretty hyperbolic, I adhered to every part of the refund policy except for the equip part and put in a ticket looking to undo 1 click that I made. I logged out immediately upon realizing it and haven’t played that character since.

So, no then. Got it. You checked it but didn’t check it. Your mistake. There are safeguards already. At some point, people just need to take the responsibility to read before clicking.

If it’s less than two months, this probably matters even less, right?