Write interesting characters you would like to see in a WoW Netflix adaptation

Ragnaros. If there was an episode or two about the War of the Three Hammers, it would be amazing seeing the anger and grief within Thaurissan as he summons the Firelord into the world and is ultimately consumed in flame at its magnitude.

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100% Garrosh Hellscream but that’s obvious

I’d also like to see more of Lei Shen such as his rise to power and exactly how he took Ra-dens power

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Budd and Topper McNabb, of course.

Rollo, the dwarf hunter, whose primary function will be to stand in the background of every scene and make faces of astonishment and then shake his head when the main characters do something stupid.

I’d like to see Ion playing himself, and the recordings of him laughing and scoffing at us as the central theme of why wow faded away.

It has to be Garrosh Hellscream, anything else would be wrong!

Meeting customs officers in Dalaran on my way home.

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Arthas. Arthas is the litmus test of a WoW series being able to faithfully adapt the lore. If they can’t manage him, they can’t manage any of it.

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Oh gods, anywhere but netflix.


Not even close.

Not close, dead on. :slightly_smiling_face:

Depends on if the show will be animated like Castlevania, or live actioned like all the failed attempts at live action anime.

Well, this is subjective as it gets. I don’t think they could make a worse zone if they tried.

A Hearthstone based show would be better than one purely from WoW. A Warcraft show that was too serious would be a flop.

A 12 episode sports anime following amateur Jed’hin; traditional draenei wrestling, in the lowercity of Shattrath.

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Would love to see a hearthstone style Gadgetzan

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