Wreckonciliation, and The Quill No More

I’d highly recommend a hotfix, here. Mobs are being targeted for 2 quests in the campaign. The quills don’t spawn fast enough, for the amount of players in the quest area. Also people are just strait killing the mobs until you do something about it.


Side note. It took me an hour and a half to complete these quests. Not enjoyable. 0 out of 10 would not recommend.


This quest is HORRIBLE but it does have shared credit so group up and knock it out.


by far the most frustrating quest in the xpac so far. why is the spawn timer 10 minutes for a single quill? that if one other person beats you to, you just waited 10 minutes for nothing. HOTFIX THIS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WHAT ARE YOU DOING RE_AOSJMKDPAISJKNMD PIAOJSND AOLIKDND PAIOUSMNJDPIAOUJNMd POIAJSMND P{_ISd


I feel like the players above have been kind. This set of quests are clearly unacceptable in their current state.

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This is literally the worst quest pair EVER introduced in this game. I thought the snail quest was the worst a few weeks back… Clearly, when the client base said so, Blizzard’s response was “Hold my beer!”

100% totally agree…the WORST quest design in the game…this needs to be fixed and NOW