Wrathion's Wife

I can’t wait for Anduin to get pregnant :blush:

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Dear Green Jesus, we stray ever farther from your grace. May you forgive people and their fanfiction pairings for they do not know Anduin is an independent man who needs no lover.


you have a new outfit and it goes together so well. :white_heart:
I’m jealous of the tabard I want it so bad. :cry:

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Wrathion is underage? Damn he looks rough for being under 18. They make him look like he’s in his 40’s

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I believe the mod explained to me (he went to the story department and got stared at, at first)
That he chose an older looking form to be taken more serious.
Was he perhaps made fun of for his age in MoP? I didn’t play when it was current.

u mean husband or spouse. I always got the impression from his mannerisms and expressions he was gay.

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