Wrathion's Wife

Nah he has a boyfriend called Anduin


And a Dranei is still a child when their 21 years old like sick of seeing this going around Dragons develop faster then humans Wrathion going off human years of development is the same age as Anduin

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well they rushed him to be the worlds greatest expert on the void over alleria. marriage should be a piece of cake.

Marriage isn’t cake. It’s a pie.

What kind of pie?




Apple or blueberry.

Can I introduce you to punctuation?


No but you could fill in those shoes. If you’d like, I, Wrathion shall accept you. Sylvanas.

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You’re welcome to try but I’d forget it like I did most of my education no thanks to Trauma and a really bad memory like I used to be amazing at English now I struggle to speak forgetting the words I need and how to form sentences


Actually he is just over 11 if Azeroth years = real years. Feel old yet? :clown_face:

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I ALWAYS wanted to be a dragon queen!

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It’s Anduin

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Ever since he was born he’s been too busy stirring ish up to focus on his love life.

And I hope he picks me up after prom. :wink:


He is underage! You are all gross people, supporting child marriage. ICK.

Seriously though… he IS underage, this topic got my banned before. Quit it while you’re still able to post!


If you have a problem with Wranduin your topic probably deserved to get banned

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Nah, I inquired about his age and if he was fit for all the …art that was going around of him and Andy.

I sent in a ticket, got the banning withdrawn and even got an answer to the question; He is underage. In terms of human years and hella underage in term of dragon years.

Legal things about art; if the character is underage in the original content of said character, even drawing them older is considered illegal and the owner of the IP can get you in big troubles for it.


We’re talking about derivative works based on fictional characters from a universe where things like time travel and shapeshifting dragons exist; in the art they could be aged up, as characters in romantic and erotic fanart often are. In fact in most of the art I’ve seen Wrathion clearly looks older than he did in MoP.

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Yep! but Blizz could still sue your bum claiming you’re distributing underage stuff of their IP.
I mean, I doubt they’d go this far. The mod wanted me to report the source the art so they could take legal actions though.