Not sure if someone else already answered this, but this isnt new information either.
Sylvanas cannonically leads the players through the 3 ICC 5 mans but is replaced by Jaina (non cannon) for alliance players. In HoR Sylvanas is held back by magic ice stuff while Arthas escapes to the raid. Jaina is present for Arthas final defeat… HoR explains why Sylvanas wasnt at the final raid fight, which is why the horde side 5 man experience is cannon.
My bad. I guess, we only have Sylvanas presence in ICC in the transnarrative, so until they explain how Jaina knew anything the horde side is all we have to go on.
Jaina being absent doesnt discredit the horde side narrative. In fact, Uthers conversation with jaina doesnt seem to make any sense in light of the new developments.
The narrative that spans the transnarrative, including EoN, is that Sylvanas was there, hunting Arthas (which almost doesnt make sense for Jaina) and lost even her chance at vengeance, arriving too late to land the killing blow. Thats the horde narrative.
She straight up says she was there and fought Arthas. She compares it to her experience in Torghast, saying that the only other time she felt like she did in Torghast was when she fought Arthas in Icecrown Citadel.
We have an explanation. The explanation is that she was there in Halls of Reflection.
Edge of Night actually further contradicts the idea that Sylvanas did Halls of Reflection because if she did, Uther would have told her that there must always be a Lich King and so she wouldn’t have been surprised to find a new one on the throne.
Alternative hypothewsis that makes more sense of everything; Jaina did HoR. Sylvanas was in ICC, but was too late for the Arthas fight. She got held up by trash mods in areas we hadn’t cleared/areas not explored in the raid.
Was it ever really a mystery Sylvanas didn’t plan the Wrathgate? it wasn’t to me. We knew she was single minded in her quest to kill Arthas, at no point did she show any reason to want to kill the Horde too.
Yeah the way I can see it is that they came through Arathi. Use that new tunnel to the hinterlands, which comes out near Aerie Peak. Take the backroad to Western plaguelands that leads towards Scholomance. But go left instead of right when they reach the lake and they are there at Uthers Tomb.
I think the mystery was, “did she order to attack the Alliance and horde Forces as well”. We know she ordered the “new plague / blight” to be made to kill the scourge (and maybe the living in due time) as those are directly mentioned in the Trisfal Glades section of that story. because of this, it is clear that she ordered it to be used at the wrathgate but only on Arthas. It was Putress who ordered his forces to attack the Alliance and Horde. While Varimathas launched his coup in the Undercity to stop Sylvanas from heading to Northrend.
Due to that guys comments, some people thought that Sylvanas was behind the whole thing. Even attacking the Alliance and Horde. Because something something 4-D chess master something something intentionally playing victim and putting blame on Putress and Varimathas something something.
I just can’t imagine a brilliant tactical mind like Sylvanas, ordering an attack on the People “weapons” she was going to use to defeat Arthas. It was always clear that this was orchestrated by Varimathras to dispose of Sylvanas so that he could open a portal to let the Legion onto Azeroth. He almost succeeded. If the plan had succeeded and she had killed Arthas, she would have had both the Horde and Alliance at her doorstep. Maybe if she had a deathwish I would beleive this but there was no way to know the plague was going to work and it didn’t. She wouldn’t take a risk like that.
Same here. It makes no sense since there was always the risk that Arthas might not be killed by the blight. Which ends up happening since “LK can only be killed at Frozen Throne” stuff. Hell, Garrosh would later have his Kor’kron occupy the Undercity when he became Warchief to make sure nothing like the Wrathgate happens again.
Sylvanas may not have ordered the attack on the Alliance and Horde but she is still partially responsible. It was her order to make the bio-weapon, her order for it to be used on the Wrathgate and she failed to stop a coup forming under her own nose. Never trust a Dreadlord.
I loved Varimathras’s dialogue in Legion when he tries to make both the Horde and Alliance turn against Sylvanas. In the end he was right, I hope this is not the end of Varimathras. He was a good villain.
Uh, no way. It was all fan of knives, volley and army of the dead in every one of those dungeons. If there was anything left alive, it was because the tank was a warrior so everyone left when he couldnt hold aggro.
Chronicle 3 just keeps the whole Wrathgate thing vague.
The relevent passage;
“…Whether she was aware that Putress and Varimathras were planning to use the concoction remained a mystery. Rumors persisted that she knew about the attack at the Wrath Gate beforehand, and her denials did not assuage the doubts of her detractors”
Overall the new canon is just the pre-afrasiabi-interview canon with the added poetic irony of Sylvanas giving Putress open-ended orders.
She would of been fine if they had died and and taken Arthas as well, but the fact Putress failed to kill Arthas meant the ends didn’t justify the means. That is what bothered her more than the loss of life. All he had done is make everyone mad at the Forsaken and made her (un)life more difficult.
Fortunately he also turned on her, so… she was able to salvage the situation.