Wrathblade is the best transmog no one uses

Seriously. It’s a tremendous 2 handed sword that looks like nothing else yet I’ve only seen one other person use it since legion.

Why does it get no love

Well… it’s one of those random weapon rewards from Legion invasions that were fairly uncommon to get. A lot of people just probably don’t have it unless they were spamming invasions more than the average person ever did them.

Ehh is it really that rare? I feel like I saw it drop a lot back then

Why aren’t you using it?


Depends what weapons, but based on wowhead data Wrathblade had a less than 1% chance to drop. So yes, they were quite rare to get. I only managed to snag a 1h axe and mace out of all the invasions I did, but they’re around a 2% drop apparently.

I use troll themed gear and weapons exclusively


I do use it I have 11 warriors and use multiple different mogs per warrior. I use it’s on my orc war also

This is my orc war that uses it when playing arms. He’s equipped for fury right now though

I know nothing of this weapon you speak of :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with Gelato, I just don’t think it’s something that many people would have.

Legion invasions came around at a point where they weren’t the most use to a lot of players. The majority of people who use them are those taking advantage of the xp for levelling.

I had to Google it, and I don’t think it looks that good.

Here’s a picture for people who don’t know what it is:


Can confirm. I’ve only ever managed to get a single legion weapon. I got that big 2 handed mace.


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There are better versions of the same kind of aesthetic.

It’s a blurry jpeg of a sword, like Blizzard made a neat 1-hander and decided to triple its size.

In my opinion, if you want a weapon with a curved aesthetic that actually looks good, look no further than the Fel-Burning Blade


Yes. Yes it is.

oddly it doesn’t show up in the appearances tab, even if you have uncollected showing.

I like that blade. May have to try and do that raid. Mechanics make it problematic to solo the first boss in Hellfire Citadel. Course, I haven’t tried it in some time. May be easier now.

It’s much easier. I think completing the encounter on Mythic only requires you to fetch 4 crates now. Easy enough on a Hunter and Warrior, but I’ll go check on my Priest real quick to see if it’s possible with less mobile classes.

I have it but I do not really use it much. It does not really look very good and there are plenty of other green/fel weapons that look better.