Wrath was the best expansion, why changes?

Why would they do that? Can you read?

So that the dungeons aren’t too accessible!

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Never said that was a problem.

Accessibility is just fine where it’s at.

Nah, its too accessible…makes the game too easy.

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Slow-walking only. The most painful time-burning ways will allow you to enter a dungeon! The immersion! The community! The socializing!


You’re whining thats its not.


This sounds like the best immersion!

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They gotta preserve that WTS boost and LF buyer GDKP spam socialization they love so much.

your right they should go patch by patch and not buff naxx. Dungeon finder shouldnt be around till ICC in patch 3.3.0. I want my DK to feel like a hero class and watch as every raid is filled as patch 3.0.2 was redick with DK being stupid overpowered in tank and top dps lol.

Expansion, for sure, but version of WoW; vanilla’s growth was stronger than any other version of wow ever.


I’ve been an a**hat since day 1, patch 1.6. RDF didn’t start anything.

Hey now, the forums are not the place for intelligent productive discussion. All we do is hate everything about Blizzard and complain here. It’s a flawless masterpiece with 0 room to make changes for a modern player base. Everything is perfect, now let me go find my pitchfork and torch because you upset me.

sarcasm disclaimer

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Why are you blaming blizzard when it’s the casual crybabies that’s doing the complaining.

The only change that should have been made was finishing the originally promised features that never made it in.


Those topics are probably filled of players who were asking for #Change prior to Classic/TBC and now they are complaining about #Change in their favorite version.

How ironic.

These topics are filled with people who got extra mad that changes were merely suggested to their favourites, and now can’t understand why other people are upset at actual changes to other expansions.

How #alanismorisette ironic of you.

Its almost as if Blizz wants to make every expansion a worse copy so they can then say “we told you so”


How ? Classic was mostly #NoChange, TBC #SomeChange was good and WOTLK #SomeChange is good too.

Those are opinions one could have.


That is because of the time frame between ICC and ruby sanctum to when cata finally came out was to long so people left the game for other stuff. But most came back when cata was releasing than left again after that for whatever other reason’s at the time. We can neither confirm nor deny wether it was RDF or some other reason behind everyone leaving the game.