Wrath Quest Tracker

Does anyone know if there have been any updates regarding this?

I’m a fairly casual Classic player, and have paused Wrath leveling to focus on Retail for a while. One of the things I’ve been looking forward to when I do get back to Wrath Classic is the 3.3-era quest tracker which was to have been included as per the linked post above.

(Yes, I am well aware of Questie and applaud this excellent add-on. I just prefer using the built-in UI options whenever possible. I’m a UI purist like this in Retail, as well, which probably puts me in the minority of players. I get a lot of joy out of just playing the game with the UI and tools that the game gives me.)

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just install questie dude. i get it, you’re scared of installing addons. but it’s really not that hard. download curseforge, it’ll handle all the difficult stuff for you.

Read the quests for objectives, thats the real way


For me, it’s less about the actual need to install an addon and more of an issue with Blizzard’s terrible communication and competence. Why is this basic feature which was promised to be in the game (and SHOULD be in the game since we’re on 3.3.5 client) received no form of recognition besides “Oh it’s gonna be in the game at some point” 8 months ago

And why, WHY, did they focus resources into things like Titan Rune Dungeons and class rebalancing over this base feature? From what I’ve seen, Titan Rune Dungeons are just for people who absolutely hate raiding but still want to get gear, and the class balancing is just a domino effect.