Wrath of the tiger bug

wait… we really arguing about some phasing thing in open warmode on ? That is NOT game breaking for mythic raiding / pve gear funneling or arena?



I love how much Brilliam’s crew whines in the forums


Not whining. Just reporting an issue that we find isn’t working as intended. We all here enjoy playing the game, but when something is broken we would like to see it fixed.

Bugs are still bugs whether it’s pvp, Pve end game or even wpvp. They need to report and let blizzard make the final call.

It seems like word is getting around about this bug, I’m seeing horde players I’ve never seen or fought porting out of combat in the Vale and Uldum.
I would also like to see some focus in this thread specific to the bug stated, there’s no reason for people to be flooding a -bug report- to flame or bicker from horde or alliance. It’s a bug report, not the wpvp fourm. If you want to trash talk, do it in game or in the wpvp fourm.

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these ally’s are funny


Once again proving my point with your own hypocrisy.


How am I being a hypocrite though? I’m not the one complaining about anything you do lol. I wasn’t complaining about you guys teleporting out back in Legion with the Dalaran port. I also wasn’t complaining when you had a few on your side being invincible with the level 110 class trials.

I made that comment on purpose.

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I never used that exploit, I only reported on it.

I also want to add that I’ve never used any exploits or bugs to my advantage in my entire 15+ years of playing this game. Can you say the same? :slight_smile:

I never said you did. I said you had a few on your side doing it. Yet, I don’t hear you berating them about it. You seem to conveniently ignore it if its on your side. If it’s not benefiting you, its fine right?

That’s hypocrisy. Frankly, I don’t care who does it. It really doesn’t bother me like it bothers you.

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You act as if I have control over these people. I have control over myself and nothing more. When people DO use exploits over here, They are not encouraged by myself, and I often ask they report the issue if I say anything at all about it. Just because you don’t hear me berating people doesn’t mean I’m not doing it.

While this is going on, You’re doing absolutely nothing to remedy the problem by gathering a hippy drum circle of the most toxic WPVP trolls on the planet in a discord where you teach them all these little exploits just to mess with the other WPVPers so you can sit and make people think “Holy crap that priest is a GOD!”

You’re probably one of the most petty, two-faced, underhanded people I have ever had the displeasure of ever speaking to, and anyone who knows you personally knows I’m telling the truth.

Let’s keep this thread on topic please.

If you are still seeing this bug being utilized by players, please continue to keep this thread updated.


The irony, yikes.


I’m not saying you have control over them. It’s just funny that the only thing I hear from you, on the forums, is complaining about people on Horde. It’s funny that the only thing I hear you talk about in game, is how we’re the scum of the Earth and that you guys are saints and no one on Alliance would ever stoop so low to doing something we’d do apparently.

You were in our Discord before, did you ever hear me tell anyone about anything? You were literally in a call with us lol. Don’t assume that I have anything to do with the current situation.

Did you forget that the same OP of this thread listed exploits on these forums and WPvP forums that provided step by step instructions on how to do them? And you’re blaming me?

In this thread alone he explained step by step how to do it, and on his YouTube, made a video step by step on how to do it LOL.

But yeah, I’m totally responsible for this. This is a public forum buddy. Everyone can read what you put on here. I’m sure as we’re speaking, other Horde who have no correlation to me are reading this and thinking, “I wanna do this.”




Not a good look for Mickas


when are they going to stop i’m new to this stuff who are you people

Wow, after watching that video i really hope they dont make bubble breakable. It’s their last line of defense!


woah first time hear this

good news they fix so you can stop crying now

Wow, a Paladin bubble hearthing? That’s unheard of and totally a bug.

Can we stay on topic please?