Wrath of the Lich King Classic Patch Notes - Version 3.4.3

So its been a couple of weeks since buff is out. It completely makes ICC extremely easy to clear now. Can you guys slow down the buff stacking? Specially with Cata date already estimated out.

I feel like a lot of people are losing a lot more interest on the content and you guys already made a very poor decision releasing SOD in the middle of the most fun-challenging raid in the first 3 expansions of wow…SOD should’ve been out along Cataclysm and not mid last phase of Wrath. Lots of guilds collapsing by the day for their inability to clear due to loss of members…

Idk just suggesting I guess


Slowing the buff is absolutely not the way to go about doing what you think it’ll do, speeding it up might be instead.


wow this is crazy

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