Wrath of the Lich King Classic Hotfixes - Updated January 9

If encountering a bug (on Patch where you cannot give in “Herald of War” quest to “Thrall” that means that you’re in the standard non-RP phase - this means that you have to go back outside in front of “Undercity” and talk to the newly added “Keepers of Time NPC” and change your phase to “The Battle For Undercity” phase and then go back to Orgrimmar in which case you’ll be able to give in Herald of War quest and continue your journey

Let.Me.Kick.My.Vendors.Off.My.Travelers.Mammoth!!! Fix this issue Blizz

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Here’s today’s hotfix update for Wrath Classic:

OCTOBER 5, 2022

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Updated Random Battleground rewards to the correct Honor values.
  • The Blessings gained from freeing Webbed Crusaders in the Valley of Echoes, and the Greater Blessing of Might, Prayer of Fortitude, and Battle Shout gained from freeing prisoners during the quest Prisoners of Wyrmskull, are now removed if a player logs out, enters an instance, or travels to another continent.
  • Band of the Kirin Tor, Ring of the Kirin Tor, Signet of the Kirin Tor, and Loop of the Kirin Tor can now be fully refunded at vendors within 2 hours of purchase; similar to the upgraded tiers of these rings.
  • Fixed an issue where some multi-rank talents would not function correctly after changing zones.

just hover esc it shows it there, or titan panel :slight_smile:

With the refunds on the Kirin Tor rings, I bought the wrong one three days ago before this hotfix, would we be eligible for a refund? I submitted a ticket and got an auto reply closing my ticket.

The blue relics are in but why add arena points to buy them? That seems dumb.

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Hello everyone! Here are the hotfixes that arrived in Wrath Classic today:

OCTOBER 6, 2022

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Meeting Stones no longer have a maximum level cap.
  • Fixed an issue with Mal’Ganis failing to be defeated at 1% health in the Culling of Stratholme.
  • Fixed an issue with “Make Them Pay” and “No Mercy” that caused the objectives to show as completed upon accepting the quests.
  • Fixed an issue where “Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest” was part of the daily battleground quest rotation prior to Isle of Conquest’s release.
  • Fixed an issue where some players can become stuck and unable to queue for Wintergrasp.
  • Archavon now correctly drops 2 Emblems of Valor.
  • Titanium Ore can no longer be prospected.
    • Developers’ note: The ability to prospect Titanium Ore will return in the Trial of the Crusader patch 3.4.2 when epic gems are introduced. We’re not going to remove Titanium Powder from those who did prospect the ore but know that the Powder cannot be used to turn in for Jewelcrafter Tokens until 3.4.2 either.
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I am having issues with todays updates… it just continues to cycle through the game files but doesn’t allow me to log on to play…

Really? And you won’t add RDF back in but you’ll do this? :clown_face: :boot:


How are we fixing so many of these low impact things but can’t fix Wild Growth, it is a key part of R Druids rotations and it is game breaking right now. Going into naxx with that bug really ruined the raid launch experience for me, please prioritize this fix. I don’t know of any other specc right now with a key part of their rotation being consistently broken

How’s Wild Growth broken right now? I don’t often see druid healers nor does my guild really have any currently, so I don’t know what’s broken with it, is it not working at all or is it working too well?

It prioritizes pets, even temp summons, so very often you will cast it on a raid member, and all 5 (or 6 with glyph) hits of WG will hit pets, just a total waste of a spell in raids, even in dungeon groups with a few pets.
Only time it somewhat works is if a good chunk of raid members are pretty low health, then it will prioritize them, but that doesn’t happen that often in naxx when I’m mostly trying to use it to proc revitalize.

Just learned in the discord that apparently this isn’t a bug and working as intended, which I gotta say just feels bad man. Definitely considering re rolling to the boom chicken

Here’s today’s hotfix update for Wrath Classic:

OCTOBER 7, 2022

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • When Engineering Tinker enchantments are activated, they now trigger their cooldown for all other engineering tinker enchantments that can be equipped in the same slot, as well as duplicates of their enchantment. This includes Mind Amplification Dish, Nitro Boosts, Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket, Hyperspeed Accelerators, Personal Electromagnetic Pulse Generator, Flexweave Underlay, Frag Belt, and Springy Arachnoweave.
  • Master Elemental Shaper Krixix in Blackwing Lair is now guaranteed to drop the Goblin’s Guide to Elementium.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented two Shaman relics, Savage Gladiator’s Totem of the Third Wind and Hateful Gladiator’s Totem of the Third Wind, from functioning properly.
  • Various buffs gained from world events and quests such as Darkmoon Faire will now cancel when players enter any instance.
  • Shaman Sentry Totem no longer stops the player in mid air when cast.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to re-enter the Vault of Archavon instance to resurrect.
  • Fixed an issue with the achievement Share the Love in Heroic Gundrak, where use of player immunities such as Divine Intervention and Hand of Protection could prevent earning the achievement without leaving and re-entering the instance.
  • Fixed an issue with Strand of the Ancients where same-faction battleground teams disguised as the opposite faction would be sent to the wrong graveyard upon death.
  • Fixed an issue with the highest ranks of party and raid buffs where they were appearing incorrectly on unit frames during combat.

appreciate the work youre doing but wondering when you will actually listen to the giant amount of noise being made by those that want rdf? not a single comment on it from you? the devs said make the noise we will listen. here we are consistently making the noise and being ignored. and its not just a few people either. or is that we arent in brian’s elitist jerks guild or pvpers?


When Engineering Tinker enchantments are activated, they now trigger their cooldown for all other engineering tinker enchantments that can be equipped in the same slot, as well as duplicates of their enchantment.

Shocked it took over 24 hours on that one

You’re the vocal minority

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The tinker change also broke the ability to macro Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket into any other abilities. It’s still off the GCD, but once it’s on cooldown, any ability after the gloves won’t trigger and just hangs up on trying to cast the gloves.


same for the haste boost ones

Having the same issue with my macro for /use 10 and /cast Summon Gargoyle.