Wrath Hunters

Hey guys i had a few hunter questions for Wrath.

Some ppl said that Wolfs are the best dps pets for Wrath so should i get a Wolf now and level him up ?

Are they going to increase our pet slots to more than 3 pets ? I have 2 pets now i want to keep a gorilla and a cat and i didnt want to give em up and was hope to get a wolf pet plus leave room to tame a spirit beast if i get lucky enough to find one

Thanks in advance for any help :slight_smile:

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Wolf’s are best cuz of howl.

You can get them anywhere but there is a sick looking demon wolf I forget the name in wotlk.

Yes more pet slots.

Be a man and tame a crab.


I hear some talks about moth and sporebat supremacy. But wolves will be BiS for sure.

We get 5 slots in WotLK (up from 3).

Found the wolf!

Hes not level 30 this is his retail stats not wotlk, but this is the model, hes in Zul’Drak.

They are indeed. They have the highest raw dps on their own, plus they have howl on a 45s cd IIRC and they have a raid wide 10% AP buff or something as a talent.

MM is the go to spec for PvE. BM is eh…It’s good for 2v2’s though.
Survival is solid for Battlegrounds.

For leveling and dungeons, Gorilla will do great. Thunderclap still remains very solid AoE pick. The best one really.

IIRC, Wrath has your pet+5 stable slots. or 6.

The coolest wolf pet, as an alliance hunter, would be wolf from Ramparts :slight_smile: cuz it looks like horde mount xD

ZD is 77+ though. That’s the only issue. I actually don’t think he is the top dps doggo out there. I can’t remember if stats still vary from pet to pet. I could be wrong though.

You may end up giving this one up the sinse you will never use it.
Bat is best for PvP due to slow.
Wolf for single target/raid.
Gorilla for leveling/dungeons.
Spirit beast is Beast Mastery only, and as state above, could be fine for leveling, but not for endgame raiding. Unless you’re planning on raiding on Week 1, play what you like ofc.

Since you got an extra slot open, might as well get it done now not to waste time later. But really, not necessary. Like Manu said, fire doggo is cool too if you can wait till 77.

But generally, leveling pet is…uh…not really that necessary. Mend Pet is pretty solid in Wrath.

edit: here is a good website. It talks about 3.0 changes as well. This should help you.


get brokentooth so good 1 of my favorite pets 2 have

Naw wolfs are all the same I just meant he looks the best as opposed to a regular wolf.

Do spider pets with web ability become a thing in wrath and can nonBM hunter use them? I remember the spider web was BiS for pvp at some point

Yeah, totally. You can tame all beasts except for the exotic ones.

Wolf is the best IF all the buffs/debuffs are already covered.

If your raid is missing the armor shred debuffs then you want a different pet. I think its the wasp with the armor shred but its a little difficuot to find accurate information about it at this time.

Carrion bird does the demoralizing shout debuff.

Moth might be good if its ability can effect bosses abilities, though i doubt it will considering being able to make a boss miss his ability on a tank would be absolutely broken on some fights.

  1. Yes, wolves are the best DPS. Unfortunately, we can’t use our Spirit Beasts because Blizz nerfed BM into the ground.

  2. You will be able to have up to 5 pets. Personally I plan to have my Spirit Beast, A Devilsaur, A Cat, A Wolf, and A Bear.

  3. If you want to tame a spirit beast. Transfer your hunter to a dead realm now, wait until wrath, level that hunter up, tame the spirit beast and transfer out.

  4. Pets will level up to 5 levels under you so it doesn’t matter if you tame now or later.

  5. The best boi is Old Cliff Jumper a rare spawn with a unique coloring. There is also the
    Ghost Wolf Lone Hunter who has a sword in his head (but I’m not sure if he was in during wrath), and there is also the Worgen Wolf… but I am not sure if the bug that allowed you to have a worgen as a pet will be in the classic version. Oh! and there is the pitch black oil-covered worgs that are a bit of an earlier version of a challenge tame.

Now… I’m sad I won’t have enough slots to tame my bird until Cata… or the rest of the spirit beast for that matter =[

Correction Survival is the go to spec for PvE for P1 you will transition to MM at some point during P2-P3 depending on armor pen I believe… or was it crit… one of the two. It has been a while.

… and just to be clear I am considering the phases as
P1: Naxx, OS, and EoE
P2: Ulduar
P3: ToGC and Ony

Don’t listen to him. You are a night elf. You are racially obligated to have a cat. Like a Troll is required to have a raptor, an orc to their wolf, and a dwarf to their bear.

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Can we get a link to this worgen wolf?

Here you go https://youtu.be/rYVY_DeeYbM

Back then you only had about a day to tame him before blizzard hot fixed it.


Can’t argue with that :slight_smile:

I remember having the worgen wolf.

Then blizzard fixed it and made it so its model would revert to a normal wolf if it ever died.

I accidentally brought it into an arena match and the first thing the enemy team did was kill it… they lost the match because they were so focused on taking away my worgen model pet :frowning:

Ahh thanks all ill find me a cool wolf to level now also i cant give up my cat or gorilla cause we been though a lot of adventures together

When i see the words, “Wrath Hunter”, my brain mentally salivates and i experience a sudden jolt of pure euphoria. I no longer see or hear, i FEEL the energy of a Chimera Shot leaving my bow and critting my enemy. My very physical essence becomes the shot and the ensuing nature damage is my consciousness.

I dunno but nobody’s replacing my pet cat, Clawdia

is wrath the one where pet disappears when u ride ground mount?
cant recall