Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Then RDF doesn’t impact you anyways now does it.


All the small server Andys that thought daddy Blizzard cared about them by removing RDF only for Blizzard to make mega fresh servers lol.

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It does if I have to run a system that gives me bonus gold and emblems for using it. If I don’t want to use it then, what? Be discriminated against by getting less for refusing to conform to a system that I don’t want to use?

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I’d say you have way too much faith in Blizzard’s competency and way too little understanding of their ego and arrogance.

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and I would say they baited and hooked you masterfully. You hate the company and yet here you are dropping money just to complain on the forums.

They used some BS as to why. They still have not actually given a reason.

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Yes, grow a pair and stop trying to drag everyone else down.

I suggest taking your own advice considering that you are the one lacking the necessary adult hormones to prevent yourself from complaining and slinging mud like a school child about a feature that wasn’t implemented until the very last patch of Wrath.


Literally nobody using the LFG tool on beta and its a giant meme

Bring back RDF before you ruin whats left of wow please!


Truer words have never been spoken.

Pleae do NOT include engineering ins arenas, this was a mistake in TBC and it was a mistake in wrath, hence why it was removed.

So we’re tacking on a messed up launch of Fresh servers, and the looming possibility of them “Squishing” item levels and making even more fundamental changes to the game at this point aye?

I keep telling you guys, this isn’t wrath classic, there is nothing classic about this wrath, it’s a terrible reforged adaptation of wrath wearing wraths skin to try to appeal to people with nostalgia.


Here is feedback for you. Stop @#$% with Wrath and just release it as it was. I don’t want your “vision” of what you THINK Wrath should be, i want the Wrath i played.


That’s what it’s looking like, yes.


hey activision blizzard WHO ASKED for the nitro boost in arena. NOBODY ASKED

Lol, how is that discrimination?
they dont have to add the bonus, what does it matter if someone has more gold or emblems for doing a dungeon it really wouldnt affect you in anyway because you would still be going at your own pace if you didnt use the RDF.

Because those that do not choose to play the game how you wish it to be played will be given less than you.

Someone who can raid may not want to do dungeons. If they get two extra emblems a day that is raid-grade then that’s 14 extra emblems a week. One month and that’s an extra piece of big gear. 25-30 is a small off-piece. Forcing people to do things is not okay.

If you want RDF I suggest gearing your argument toward adding it at the last patch of WotLK. At the beginning this is far too influential.

Once again not seeing how some getting gear quicker then you effects you at all, the raids will still be there when you get the gear to do them. No one was ever forced to use the RDF, but now we are all forced to use the LFG or spam chat which isnt what i would call an enjoyable experience, i just want to spend my time playing the game.

Pushing heroics. Grouping for raids. Who performs better.

Yes, essentially they were. You could run dungeons much more quickly and you got more rewards for doing so. Yes, you in fact did have to if you wanted to remain as relevant as everyone else. Disingenuous arguments are very unbecoming.

SoM tanked so blizzard is now using Wrath Classic as a sandbox to test random junk since they know they’ll have a captive audience.