I was looking it up and saw that. Point to you. Still, RDF is a necessary feature of wrath. Especially if you have 12 alts.
Honestly, in retail, I’ve had to queue up to try for the horseman’s reins so many times. I’ve been trying since it was implemented. I would have quit earlier if not for Dungeon Finder.
Never got that mount though, even after running it on 6-12 alts everyday while the event is running. i gave up in bfa.
you cant berate someone for anecdotal experience then give a percentile pulled from betwixt your tiny cheeks in relation to your own anecdotal experience lol. It just makes you seem disingenuous.
The point is that people experience this game differently and in different ways and should be allowed to.
Spend all your time at level 20 rp’ing? Fine. Great. Hope you get gold tips for all that e-girl roleplay youre doing.
Wanna whisper and try to make friends and be the social buttefly you always knew you were and have high adventure in azeroth with your band of buddies? Go for it. Hope you dont hate one anothers discord voices.
Wanna be a hardcore grinder/raider and only min max and save your valuable words for people who will actually take them into consideration? Good. Hope you get a world first.
Wanna just grind through dungeons on alts to get to what you consider to be “the real game”. Great. I hope that its everything you dreamed it would be.
Both of you are genuinely the problem here because neither of you want someone else to have something they want. SO in the end neither of you are going to be actually happy lol.
Someone else that didn’t read the thread I guess. Classic whether you like it or not wasn’t made for retail players. Classic doesn’t want to be a competitor to its existing retail product - it wants to get those subs it cannot get back with the product it has. Everyone has anecdotal experiences that are just as invalid since none of us have the figures on this but blizzard (which speaks to their logic here since they have the numbers not us) made classic for them and is still designing it that way as made clear by their refusal to add LFD.
I’ve compromised in saying I have 0 issues adding it alongside ICC when it was originally released. I’m not the one asking to change the game here - they are.
And for the record I am happy - LFD at least for a while wont be in wrath. I got what I wanted, I am just here to explain to people why I thought it was a good idea. This is the correct place to do so.
It’s not out the window. its a valid point, if YOU don’t want to use it then YOU don’t use it. There is no arguing this other than just arguing for the sake of argument. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE IT. Thousands of other do not need to miss out because you think too much of yourself and that your point is the only valid point out there.
The exact same logic is telling you to go to retail. Feel free to argue about scale but it’s the same. You don’t HAVE to play classic, you can play retail which has the tool that you want. Hundreds of thousands of people don’t have to have their game changed because you want a QOL tool.
They brought up the anecdotal thing. I don’t care about that. They admit that they rolled onto an incredibly underpopulated server. If you don’t like my 99+%, use whatever number to represent a Large Majority that floats your boat.
I’m glad we agree. Time to introduce LFD so that I can experience this game differently and in the different way that I enjoy that I should be allowed to. And they can sit around and rub each other’s butts while not doing so.
What? Are you saying that adding LFD wouldn’t change the game for the entire playerbase of classic WoW? Is it a disingenuous citation because of the number despite that being what ironforgepro lists as the classic playerbase? What are you even contending here?
Blizzard believes the main thing which keeps customers subscribed is “playing with friends.” This is a selection on the survey. This is also why they’re so desperate to force customers into fiscally exploitable friendships.
3 years of NO RDF in Classic closed 25 servers, but they’re still blaming RDF (which hasn’t yet existed in classic) as the main culprit behind all these fleeing players not staying.
“If only those fleeing players had formed long term friendships!” they decry in their quarterly meetings.
It’s blizzards playground. Were just allowed to be here playing in it. As long as you aren’t breaking any kinda major rules so that mommy and daddy blizz arent kicking you out of said playground. Youre doing it right.
But this wont be the bottom line because it doesnt declare a clear victor. Carry on forum.
I do play retail, I also play on classic with some friends on off-nights. The idea that the majority of classic players should have to endure these changes because a few “social butterflies” decided that strangers who do not want to be their friends were mean to them at one point in their lives is just crazy.
Yes. Youre entirely valid and seen queen. You should be allowed to experience the game in a way provided by blizzard in the way you want to. I do agree with that 100000000%
That’s not why people don’t want LFD, but circling that back to what I said about the game not being made for retail players is especially poignant here.