Wrath already ruined

I loved the dungeon finder and actually played during wrath.

Instead of adding QOL that wasn’t in wrath blizzard is making a bigger mistake by removing a QOL feature that was an awesome part of my wrath experience.

Sorry I don’t have time to Sit in trade chat and build a raid group and I’m definitely not committing to a guild just to play wrath when I never had to during the actual expansion.

At least I know I got the best wow has ever had to offer and it will not be returning that way. It’s like my version of the brutosaur


It wasn’t even a thing until 3.3 which was a year into the expac. WOTLK does not live or die with this.


This reasoning is invalid…if you remember, queuing as a DPS in dungeon finder sometimes took forever to actually find a group…with how many people will be playing Wrath, you’ll have an easy time finding groups in LFG chat.


Your reasoning is invalid. I could be doing other activities while my group fills because of the finder.

Now my activity is “filling the group”

Also it makes screening people you group with way more annoying


Easy solution to this…dont be the one starting and filling the group…


Join a group and pray! Yeah your takes don’t make sense


Still doesn’t change the fact a QoL tool that eliminates scanning a LFG Chat (which is literally impossible on a populated server with out a addon --bulletinboard–) is still the far superior option.

There was 15 layers on my realm during the height of TBC dungeon farming and I still had a lot of trouble finding a group as a non-mage / warlock DPS with out scanning hundreds of advertisements and whispering hundreds of people some times actually having to just close the game instead of doing a measly dungeon.

Dungeon meta’s regarding classes and exclusions of particular classes and specs like that is also another negative aspect of classic that a dungeon finder also seamlessly removes.


I made my livelihood as a healer with getting those satchels every time a healer was needed. I leveled countless alts as well as the healer classes that weren’t fun to quest with through LFD.
I get it. My Wrath classic won’t be the same, either. It takes forever to find a group for lower level dungeons, and the current LFG finder is a failure. Hardly anyone on my server uses it. I don’t have time in my busy schedule to make groups through trade and LFG chat, so I guess my ability to play is going to be limited. :frowning:


My take makes plenty of sense.

You complained you want Dungeon and Raid Finder since you “Dont have time”, when dungeon and raid finder, depending on spec, may not always save you time and actually could take longer time depending on que lengths.

You complained you dont want to be bothered with “filling groups”, then the solution is to not fill the group yourself and look out in LFG chat for a group you can join while doing your other activities…

my point is its not the end of the world without lfg finder and certainly will not “Ruin” Wrath.


Everything you have posted in this thread is extremely bad and I am done replying to you.


His reasoning is valid. Lots of people liked the LFD tool. Helped with badge farming and having a no pressure instance run. On TBC classic i see people LFG in trade/lfg channels for hours and never getting a group then trying to start and not getting a healer or a tank to fill a role. There was 0 reason to leave it out.

It did nothing to the community to fracture it. The people crying were the same people who cried about every other small issue in the game. I myself have a set group that I run with but for lots who don’t have that connection in the game will be screwed having to lfg forever for groups. Especially on those smaller realms when the shine wears off and the population gets even smaller later.

This will not kill Wrath but its not going to help it in ANY way at all. For those who do not like LFD they can just not use it. Its a choice. For those who prefer to use it let them roll on, don’t screw up their time.

Just wait til the gearscore addon is added lol, going to be a cluster !(^%#@^#%@#%3!!


You realize there won’t be nearly as many players playing wrath this time around? Now that there will be no RDF, even fewer people will play. RDF was/is very popular.


Please for the love of god keep dungeon finder. If we’re gonna have to deal with the headache of lfg again then I’m out.


it doesn’t take that long to message some people in LFG.
WoW is supposed to be a social game. automating things that can be done socially is simply bad game design.
the more you automate, the more it starts to feel like single player.


The social reasoning makes no sense.
I am here to game not socialize. I have discord,Twitter,Facebook,Instagram so many ways to socialize online.

It’s probably a cover up for some issue they are having actually putting it in the game.

I sincerely doubt in this age of internet socializing that it is the real reason for not implementing the finder.

Maybe it’s too expensive for them?


Sure it doesn’t take long to scan and spam a few people in LFG Bulletin Board. That’s not really the problem, only part of it, because 99 times out of 100 you will either get ignored or told “Sorry, full.” the problem is then exacerbated by further mitigating factors such as are you a warlock? are you a mage? are you full bis? But yeah, this social aspect you are talking about is completely non existent in 2022 Classic if you are trying to compare to 2005-2008 WoW.


I find it very amusing that some of the people who argued against Dungeon Finder being added in TBC are now surprised Pikachu face about it being excluded in WoTLKC.

You people argued that the Dungeon Finder crippled the community and are surprised to see Blizzard making this change because of your arguments. This is what you get when a “No-changer” justifies his position with an argument he doesn’t actually believe in, because all he cares about is his perfect replica of the past.

I saw no mention of Dual Spec yet either. Let’s hope the people making arguments against adding it in TBCC didn’t convince Blizzard to exclude this too.


lol if they exclude dual spec from wrath classic i might actually play it


Please don’t. Stay in SoM or whatever.


i mean sure find us complaining about dungeon finder being added to TBCC, it would have been awesome lol… none of us are suddenly surprised now after making a stance on it in TBCC, most of us didn’t even have an opinion or visit the forums regarding it because we assumed it would be the no brainer to add it in for wrath.

Especially given the player experience Bulletin-board has so poorly provided us in TBCC.