WRA: You playing Classic Burning Crusade?

Most assuredly, yes.

I had a blast with WoW Classic when it first launched and found my way into a pretty serious raiding guild on Bloodsail Buccaneers. We later transferred to Mankrik and cleared all the way through AQ40 but our numbers dwindled in the months leading up to Naxx and eventually we broke apart. With Shadowlands on the horizon, I decided that I’d take a break from Classic, so I missed most of Naxx.

Although I played less during the original launch of TBC than I did during Vanilla, I’m excited to go back and see the raids I never saw in 2007-2008. A few friends of mine and I have started our own guild (and are currently recruiting for our weekend raid team, so hit me up!) and we’re excited to start clearing content.

I’ve heard that, compared to the awkward disparity in spec viability throughout Vanilla, TBC is a lot more balanced and finely tuned while still retaining a lot of the RPG elements and game design philosophy that made Vanilla so enjoyable for me. I’m looking forward to appreciating those nuances that were lost on 15 year-old me.


OK why does 2007 miko look so orange on the forum


My brother has been trying to get me to play classic since it came out. Wasn’t at all interested. Remade Sholaad as he existed in 2007. Gonna try it out casually. Should be level 70 in about 6 months

jersey shore syndrome

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My main is Backwards, but here I am. Classic seems a little too complicated, with too much micromanaging of bag space, travel, skills and buffs. Not really loving it.

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I almost chose that hairstyle for Juspion! We could have been twins!! But decided to go with the horns and balding man hair style because if Juspion head butts someone they’ll die

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If you’re not a fan of mindless busywork you might not like Classic. Or retail.


My little spacegoat hunter is level 18. So proud of him.


Decided to boost my shaman. I played one towards the end of BC but I lack the patience to level it again, getting the hang of it now. It’s a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to healing with it.

Aside from that, my mage and warlock are both nearly capped, as is my paladin, and all are nearly ready for the Dark Portal to open. I’m stupid levels of excited, my name being taken aside (grr). BC was where I really got started in this game, as it’s when I got my account.

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I’m trying but like classic and to a degree retail i’m having a hard time picking a race. I’m a bit odc and like playing as close as able the same in every game. However I’m stuck Horde (got a awesome guild) so… a cow or orc are nice but hard to translate those to other games like FF14 or even more simple games like Vermintide.
This is also same for class to a degree.

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Juspion also has that weird cursed orange glow.

I tamed a crab and named it Crabakos lmao


I’m sorry, the correct name for a crab is “Clamps.”

I named mine PennyPincher.

Perhaps I will

Well I did it

And it seems we are all having the sun pointed directly at our faces

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I started playing the day after all the maintenance extensions. By the time they were done it was after midnight the follow day anywho.

I originally wanted to pick an RP server but I play with my sis and her husband so they chose a medium pop normal server. Gonna miss seeing RP but it is what it is.

There are a ton of Belves at all hours of the day no matter where you go which is nice seeing. I’m also seeing alot of names that look like they put thought into their character name which surprised me then I get pulled back down to earth when I see someone with a variation of Sephiroth or a phrase shortened into a name or Imaholyplly.

Still though it’s nice seeing so many people in the world again. Wish I would run across more RPers though, we could make Azuresong into something wonderful :smiley:

Help me Dad I’m covered in pee.


Apparently I’m playing Burning Crusade for about a week since I didn’t notice that I’m in the beta. I figure that’ll get the WoW out of my system for a while.

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It’s not beta, it’s pre-patch!

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I dunno what to tell you, the client says beta and I’m stomping around Outland.

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