WRA: You playing Classic Burning Crusade?

I’m on vacation in the woods atm but when I’m back I’m making low res cursed N64 Juspion!! I’m mostly going to take it easy and quest Alliance side because I only ever played Horde and it’s something I never did before Cata.

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no :heart:

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I’m all for some worlds end RP. I never thought about a populated Outland but that’s going to be so fun!

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Am I playing TBC Classic? Yes.

Is it cause I want to live in Karazhan? Yes.


Remember when you’re demolishing the ballroom ghosts that one of them is Thomas Bates. Feel bad yet? Good.

EDIT: I have the gold to resub for this if I want, but I’m not sure I do? We’ll see if I even have time for MMOs anymore.


Moroes knows how to make a mean ghost martini, who am I to turn down such an offer?

Wasn’t the biggest fan of it back then. Although admittedly, I was still too new at the time to really understand any of the real consequences of the balances and I never did raiding.

I mostly remember hating a lot of the aesthetic of Outlands and getting sick of everything being glowing neon green and purple. Also being a little peeved at having joined the Horde to get way from fantasy full of “high elves” and the like, only to find I was now completely surrounded by people leveling their new blood elf alts. :stuck_out_tongue: I also didn’t care for how flying allowed people to hover out of range and just swoop down out of nowhere for PvP in Outland zones.

All in all, it just doesn’t appeal to any of my nostalgia.

Tbh I’m lame and want to quest solo, so while I’m genuinely intrigued I probably won’t play


I joined the game at the end of Bc, but I never felt I ever missed out on anything. I reckon since I had the chance to enjoy the content before Wrath launched; and I still hold onto my socketted Rod of Blazing Light from Heroic Magister’s Terrace. I enjoyed everything I wanted to see.

I am. TBC was my favorite expansion, I think. Making a draenei shaman and a blood elf paladin.

Hoping to get back into RP with it.

I’m excited to claim my name on classic.

…ohwait, I can’t, cuz someone already did that. :frowning:

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I debated playing Vanilla-classic but someone claimed “Norman” before I could and my interest was vaporized.

In retrospect, I’m guessing I wasn’t all that interested to begin with.


I ran into the Gnome on my server that had claimed Bates. He had the PvP Knight rank to make things even MORE crazy.


ammen vale was crowded so I did the ol marsh run


primitive miko’s hair isn’t so flowing and nice since actual miko uses one of those hairstyles that was added in wrath but he is still fine

Also I just noticed that in Classic draenei bleed blue when they get hit, wonder why they changed that

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I will not be playing classic TBC. I enjoyed the sky guard and the shattered sun offensive, and I also remember kind of liking the quests in Shadowmoon Valley. A lot of them were hard to do because of elites and stuff. Also Halaa PvP was cool.

But at the same time, TBC is like the chamber of secrets. It’s the second book that you want to read for context and history, but the story really gets good after the prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire.

Not if it means giving Blizzard my monies.


Maybe. I might level a Belf Warlock and a Belf Pally for the nostalgia. I remember doing the Warlock quests and struggling on them. And, I cleared the Ghostlands on my Pally, got exalted with Tranquillien, and got a cool sword, and felt really accomplished! I might give that another go, if I get time.

If anyone is interested in Lillix the blood elf paladin on Bloodsail and Greyah the Draenei on Grobb!


Mmm all my addons are broken. Don’t like that too much.

Huatar was originally created during Burning Crusade, so absolutely.