WrA Information & Directories (Guilds | Communities | Events)

Would love to see our guild on there when you have the chance.

Guild Name: Raven Collective
Description: We are a security, intelligence and contracting firm working for pay. The guild is based loosely off of real world contracting and espionage groups by the likes of Blackwater, MI:6, CACI international, etc. There is room for characters of many different talents and motivations. The focus is on lore-abiding roleplay that is built to allow everyone a time to have fun and shine. We run several one-shot missions as well as long-standing campaigns.
Races Allowed: All lore-abiding races.
Leader(s): Malldreth (GM). Polluxx (Officer) Casttor (Officer)
Who to Contact: Malldreth(In-game) Washboard Scabs#3965 (Discord)
RP/PVP/PVE?: We are primarily RP focused.
Requirements: We take any 18+, Lore-abiding roleplayers that see their character within our ranks and are willing to do a brief IC and OOC interview. On top of that, we are a guild of adults and there is an understanding life will always come first. We strive to be malleable with scheduling to get everyone a chance to join in.
Currently Seeking: Any and all who wish to have fun writing, building their characters in a group and belonging to an in-game home away from home.
Most Active Playtime: Early-Late evenings. (Though we have many different timezones present)
**Forum Post:**[H-RP] <Raven Collective> is hiring