Guild Name: The Mendwalker Clan
Faction: Primarily Horde
Description: The Mendwalker Clan is a peaceful and adventurous heavy RP group that is dedicated to the spiritual and physical wellbeing of the citizens of Azeroth. We travel to locations to offer many kinds of aid in the form of magical, medical, natural, and spiritual. But we most importantly offer friendly conversation that is absolutely second to none. You don’t need to be a healing class. Anyone who wants to provide aid and kindness to others is welcome. It could be in the form of search and rescue, protection, alchemy, botany, first aid, bandaging, cooking, story telling, etc. But also not requirements. We just want kind individuals. Will also accept any Alliance folks that desire a home.
Races Allowed: Any
Classes Allowed: Any.
Leaders: Hotoh Wildmane
Who/How to Contact: Whisper in game- Hotoh, Arrameas, or Malarn
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP, cross faction RP, maybe PVE
Requirements: Maturity, kindness, lore adherence
Currently Seeking: Roleplayers with an adventurous desire rather than a militaristic. Desire to help those in need.
Most Active Playtime: Weeknights, any time on weekends.
Forum Post: The Mendwalker Clan- [H-RP] The Mendwalker Clan