Calling all Ren’dorei!!
Guild Name: Children of a Dark Sun
Faction: Alliance
Description: We are a brand new Roleplay guild with a vision of becoming one of, if not the largest, Ren’dorei guild on the realm. We plan on Choice-Led guild campaigns, Transmog contests with prizes, and Scavenger Hunts. There will be the occasional WPVP event as well for those interested!
Races Allowed: Void Elves only (alts of other races can join once your main joins)
Leader(s): Ellasyr Darkwhisper
**Who/How to Contact:**Ellasyr, Aeldeyn, Alaastraiya
RP/PVP/PVE?: Our primary focus is RP with a side of WPVP at times for those interested. We will help gear you as well if you need dungeon runs or anything of the like. We do not, as of right now, have any plans to raid at all.
Requirements: We don’t really have many requirements other than being active. We could always use more active players to help push our recruitments and for our events. Other than that, feel free to download TRP addon, as that helps tell the story for your character.
Currently Seeking: All active Ren’dorei players. We would love to have you aboard!
**Most Active Playtime:**2:30pm realm time to 8:00pm realm time
Forum Post: [A] Children of a Dark Sun (Ren'dorei recruiting) - #3 by Aeldeyn-wyrmrest-accord