Guild Name: Vanguard of the Warchief
Description: An arm of the Kor’kron based on an old orcish military group. We are an ICly Sylvanas loyalist guild (While our members have varying OOC opinions) so if you’re character isn’t really keen on what Sylvanas has been doing they probably shouldn’t talk about it openly. Our IC/OOC reasoning for supporting Sylvanas mainly boils down to the Horde slogan “Lok’tar ogar!” which translates to “Victory or death!”-- as I’m sure you’re all aware. We believe that Sylvanas has chosen victory, and we will support her in that regard.
Races Allowed: All Horde
Leader(s): Lissarra (Beckle, Whelix), Thyrnn
Who to Contact: Anyone, they’ll direct you to us.
RP/PVP/PVE?: Primarily RP, readying ourselves for PvP/PvE
Requirements: Strong lore compliance, IC Sylvanas supporter
Currently Seeking: Yes. Less blood elves though.
Most Active Playtime: Afternoons, evenings, early mornings
Forum Post: [H-RP/PvX] Vanguard of the Warchief
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