WrA Information & Directories (Guilds | Communities | Events)

Event Name: Future Funk Fortune Festival
Faction/Neutral: Neutral & Cross Server
Event Hosts: Xepher K’awiil (H) and Luminess Brightcoil (A)
Days and Time(Server): Saturday, May 2nd, 4PM WRA | 6PM MG
Location: Lunsatre Estate, Suramar (41, 77)
SHORT Description:
Won’t you take me to Funky Town? Oh you bet we will! The Future Funk Fortune Festival is a celebration of fortune tellers from all walks and cultures across Azeroth. The festival will go out with an energizing rave capturing all the vibes future funk has to offer!

We are looking for fortune tellers, presenters, merchants, and food vendors for the festival. Interested? Check out the link below.
Event Ad Link: [N-RP]✨Future Funk Fortune Festival - May 2!