WrA Alliance Guild Faire — March 22, 2025 @ 5 - 7 PM ST

— The next WrA Alliance Guild Faire is March 22 from 5 - 7 PM ST. —

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Alliance Guild Faire :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:

Quick Info

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: When Mid-Month Saturdays, 5 - 7 PM ST
:small_orange_diamond: Where Stormwind Embassy, Stormwind
:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Carrd https://wraallianceguildfaire.carrd.co/
:small_orange_diamond: Discord https://discord.gg/HEQDa3hMeU
:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Anchors Dawnfield-WyrmrestAccord, Lluagor-WyrmrestAccord

For the latest faire updates, see our Discord and Carrd.

:new: Cross-faction/Neutral Friendly

The Alliance Guild Faire welcomes cross-faction friendly and neutral guilds. All that’s asked is you bring your Alliance guild toons to help WrA-A shine (and not aggro guards).

:small_orange_diamond: All Guild Types Welcome

Whether you are a roleplay, raiding, PvP, social, or other guild, all Alliance/CF/Neutral guild types are welcome at the Alliance Guild Faire. Just keep /yells to a minimum and to one paragraph only so spam doesn’t overwhelm folks.

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: The Mission

The mission of the Alliance Guild Faire is to showcase WrA-A right where Alliance players load in for Chromie and Allied Race quests. Though we’re smaller than our Horde counterpart, we’ve been gaining numbers this past year and the faire is back to keep that momentum going.

:small_orange_diamond: What’s There To Do?

The faire lasts two hours and will have monthly themes and contests. Wear your finest transmog, bring your snazziest mounts, be prepared to shoot off a firework or two, and stay tuned for monthly contest info.

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Future Goals

In the future, we would like to include themes, transmog contests, and a few other things to spice up the faire. Stay tuned.

:small_orange_diamond: Contact

Join our Discord (https://discord.gg/HEQDa3hMeU) to reserve a booth for your guild and get in touch with Faire Facilitators.

:tada: See you at the faire! :tada:


Looking forward to bringing my guild there!

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This is happening at the end of this week, mark your calendars and see you there.

/bumpity, happening this weekend. The WrA Alliance Guild Faire is also cross-faction and neutral guild friendly, so come out to Dornogal this Saturday evening to have a good time.

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Because this is the first Alliance Guild Faire in a long while, giving this another /bump to remind folks it’s this coming weekend.

We are having our guild Winter’s Veil party at the exact same time or we’d be there. Good luck and we’ll see you at the next one!


Please enjoy this month’s guild faire as the restart of hopefully many more.

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Christmas is cancelled!

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It’s been a hot minute since I’ve attended an Alliance Guild Fair, hope to see lots of folks there.


Perhaps but Winter’s Veil has not! Greatfather Winter comes soon!


What a great start, guys.

Will have an Imgur album up in a few. Thoughts also come then!

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You guys better not have a Winter Veil party January 11th…

Here is an imgur album of the event, thanks for submitting so many screenshots, all: https://imgur.com/a/IbgEi9q.

I’m sad that we couldn’t participate. We showed up but never could get a party invite so we could see everyone. Hopefully next time!

Don’t hesitate to give me a whisper. We also will be listed in the in-game group finder (Legacy Raids > Molten Core > Alliance Guild Faire) and advertising in Trade/General, so we’re there!

Also, we’re just about one week away so here comes the /bump

:postal_horn: — This month’s faire is on January 11 from 5 - 7 PM ST. — :postal_horn:

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This is this weekend! Keeping this at the top so it’s top of mind.

Reminder also that the Alliance Guild Faire is also neutral and cross-faction guild friendly, so looking forward to seeing our Horde counterparts there.

Hello everyone, I’ll be serving as the Alliance anchor for tonight. The group can be found in Legacy Raids > Molten Core > Alliance Guild Faire.

We’re both neutral and cross-faction as well, so everyone is welcome to attend.

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Thanks, Rho. <3

I was called last-minute to help my elderly in-laws. RL > WoW always and I’m grateful other faire facilitators stepped in to get things started. This is why we changed up the faire so it wasn’t dependent on a single person.

We also gathered faire feedback and the convo will continue in the Alliance Guild Faire Discord (https://discord.gg/HEQDa3hMeU). We’re still working up from pretty much dust to rebuild the faire but we’re in it for the long haul. Glad people are just as passionate.

Expect updates pertaining to location and themes leading up to next month’s faire. In the meantime, spread the word to fellow Alliance/Neutral/Cross-faction guilds that the faire is happening and will continue to happen.

OP updated, summary:

  • Location has been changed to Stormwind Embassy, Stormwind
  • “Love is in the Faire” is the monthly theme for February
  • Even if you’re not actively recruiting, you’re invited to compete in monthly contests
  • Join Discord for info/to reserve a booth https://discord.gg/HEQDa3hMeU
  • Carrd has been updated with new info, booth map, etc. https://wraallianceguildfaire.carrd.co/

50% of booths were reserved on the first day so they’re going fast!

Also help us get traction on Bluesky so we get more eyes on WrA-A:

Ari do you love me…