WQ: Unaccounted For

World quest: Unaccounted For
Zone: Nazmir
Character: Hasylla
Server: Sen’jin
Time: Sunday, Februrary 10, 4:00 AM server time

Problem: This quest does not register when my character enters the area. It does not automatically load in the quest menu on the right of the screen. Hovering the mouse cursor over the relevant NPCs does not show the WQ objectives. Logging out and back in did not fix it. Leaving the area and returning did not fix it. It was not possible to make any progress on it.

A quest I had previously completed is suddenly no longer doable. Why is that? I previously filed bug reports for similar bugs with world quests elsewhere in BfA, but yet again old bugs keep appearing. Why does this keep happening? Why does it take so long to fix it? Why is there so rarely a list of fixed bugs? It seems only the most glaring of bugs get acknowledged when fixed.

This is one of the reasons the BfA expansion is referred to Beta for Azeroth.


Similar issues here. There are no Advanced Scouts to rescue, and the game isn’t counting my Primal Skyterror kills.

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Same bug here

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Same issue with the incursion at the sunder span,feb,11.Mission counter doesn’t show for credit .reloaded ui 3 times ,left and game 2 time,left area and disable addon only to find when i come back the addon are still up.Unable to complete.

I assume it has something to do with the sharding system, but I have no real basis for that conclusion. All I have to go on is that it let me complete the WQ half a day later when I gave it another try.

It reminds me of a WQ in Vol’dun where the script would not trigger, but if you used group finder to hop between shards you had a chance to complete it.

Still finding this problem alliance side.

Same here, submitted in game bug report.

Either fix the bug or take the quest out of the rotation.

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Submitted the bug tried logging out in the quest area, well what I assumed was the quest table. Outside the assumed quest area.

Completely ignored by Blizzard even though bug reports have been filed since launch. I don’t expect it will ever be fixed.

This bug still seems to be a problem for my Alliance characters. It’s puzzling why it’s still prevalent for March 27th. One odd thing I do see is a dead pterodactyl that you can still attack by the Darkspear Troll NPCs. Only one Alliance Scout spawned at a time and gets pwned by the 4 Troll NPCs.

I found a temporary workaround. It seems that the quest doesn’t work properly when the Alliance scouts are dead, and for some reason, they weren’t fighting back. Once I killed all the Horde scouts manually, and relogged in the quest area, it worked.*

*All 4 Alliance scouts must be alive.

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Thanks, this thread is over a month old so pretty sure this basically is our solution rather than a temporary work around.

Does not work for me.

I’m fed up with it. I’ll now continue to spam the same bug report until I get banned.

I urge everyone else to do the same. Developers only care when they get annoyed.

Seeing people still have problems with this is disappointing. I wrote off attempting this WQ not long after my last post. The frequency with which it is bugged means their time designing it was wasted.

Still not working 3/28/19. Reported bug.

I had the very same issue today 29/03/19 Oceanic realms.

Scorched Earth is another world quest in a nearby area that suffers from this same bug. The mini-map does not reflect that my character has entered the area, and the mobs do not reflect that they are the objective of a world quest.

I am curious why so little has been done to fix bugs this expansion. Are the devs so focused on trying to fix azerite in 8.2 that they are ignoring what is currently live? Are they redirecting some devs to 9.0 with the expectation that BfA may get cut short like WoD was? Why are bugs/talent balance/class balance being so blatantly ignored? I’ve for the most part stopped submitting bug reports on new things I come across. I have lost any faith they will be fixed.

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